This reports summarizes and synthesizes activities and achievements of the CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF) through the end of 2007. The CPWF is an intiative of the CGIAR designed to take on the global challenge of water scarcity and food security. It is an international, multi-…
The CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF) brings together scientists, development
specialists, and communities, in nine river basins across Africa, Asia and Latin America, to address
challenges of water scarcity, food security and poverty.
Some CPWF projects seek to…
Since 1996, the collaborative project between CIRAD (Agricultural Research Centre for International Development) and CIAT (Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical) has gradually phased out intra-specific tropical japonica conventional crossbreeding activities and concentrated on rice…
Local and indigenous communities across the world are advancing innovative sustainable development solutions that work for people and for nature. Few publications or case studies tell the full story of how such initiatives evolve, the breadth of their impacts, or how they change over time. Fewer…
La Comunidad Andina de Naciones ha intentado emular en la mayor parte de las etapas al proceso seguido por la UE, en particular en la práctica de desarrollar instituciones análogas como condición necesaria para avanzar en el proceso integracionista. A partir de fuentes bibliográficas y…
¿Dónde está el problema del desarrollo rural?
Hubert Mazurek*
15 de diciembre de 2008
Es necesario un gran debate sobre la construcción de una política de desarrollo territorial, que facilite la gestión y no que intente hacerla.
Territorio y desarrollo
En América…
El estado mundial de la agricultura y la alimentación 2008 analiza las consecuencias del rápido crecimiento de la producción de biocombustibles derivados de productos básicos agrícolas. La expansión de los biocombustibles líquidos ha sido provocada en gran parte por las políticas de los países…
Through a conceptual analysis based on international treaties and instruments and through two country studies, this study explores the relationship between human rights, particularly the right to adequate food, and access to natural resources with specific focus on land.