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December 2021

Yam (Dioscorea spp.) is cultivated in many villages of DR Congo as a means to sustain food security and alleviate poverty. However, the extent of the existing diversity has not been studied in details thus, considered as an orphan. A survey covering 540 farmers in 54 villages was conducted in…

December 2021

The extent of crop residues and agricultural byproducts utilization for their integration in feeding systems in Eastern DR Congo was assessed in South-Kivu (Walungu territoire) and two territoires in the Tanganyika province (Kalemie and Moba territoires). Data were collected through 21 focus…

October 2021

The restitution of ancestral land rights in Namibia has  divided opinions since independence. Some argue it is a fitting process in dealing with colonial era land dispossessions;others are concerned about the complexity of implementing this kind of restitution. At independence;the Namibian…

Reports & Research
September 2021

Un rapport de RFUK révèle l'étendue et l'impact croissants du développement des infrastructures de transport et d'énergie dans le bassin du Congo - qui est en passe de devenir un moteur majeur de la déforestation dans la deuxième plus grande forêt tropicale du monde. Les huit…

Reports & Research
September 2021

A report by RFUK reveals the growing extent, and impact, of transport and energy infrastructure development in the Congo Basin – which is on its way to becoming a major driver of deforestation in the world’s second largest rainforest. The eight case studies featured in this report show that,…

Reports & Research
May 2021

L’étude a analysé dans 31 pays l’état de la reconnaissance juridique des droits des peuples autochtones, des communautés locales et des populations afro-descendantes sur le carbone présent sur leurs terres et territoires. Ensemble, ces pays détiennent près de 70 % des forêts tropicales du globe…

Reports & Research
May 2021

La présente étude vise à évaluer le fonctionnement du Fonds de Développement Local (FDL) de la Série de Développement Communautaire de l’UFA Pokola au Congo. Elle se base sur la revue documentaire, des entretiens semi-structurés avec les personnes ressources, les responsables de ménages ainsi…

Journal Articles & Books
April 2021

Le partage des bénéfices et les contrats communautaires visent à garantir aux communautés affectées le moyen d’être impliquées et de tirer des avantages de la gestion des ressources forestières. En pratique, toutefois, les communautés se sentent souvent lésées sur ces points.
La présente…

Journal Articles & Books
April 2021

Benefit-sharing agreements and community contracts are intended to ensure affected communities are involved in and benefit from the management of forest resources, but communities have often been left feeling short-changed.
This briefing note provides an overview of the functioning of…

Peer-reviewed publication
December 2020

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is a country with a high agricultural productivity potential; however, the agribusiness sector remains unattractive to youths. This study examined the extent to which perceived social norms and psychological capital affect youths’ intentions to pursue…

December 2020

Land disputes in conflict-affected settings are often considered as a security threat, to be addressed through mediation and strengthening the rule of law. This overlooks the roots of land conflicts in longer-term processes of agrarian development and worsening conditions of land and labour…

Peer-reviewed publication
October 2020

À rebours des autres régions du monde, l’Afrique pourrait devenir bientôt le continent de la déforestation, avec la République démocratique du Congo qui perd plus d’un million d’hectares de couvert arboré par an. En Afrique centrale, la déforestation est le fait d’une petite agriculture dont l’…