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Policy Papers & Briefs
December 2009

Gold and diamond mining constitute more than half of all mineral exploitation worldwide and an estimated 6 to 9 million artisanal miners are active in the gold and diamond sector. Africa hosts a third of the world’s natural mineral wealth, among which 65 percent of global diamond deposits. While…

Reports & Research
December 2009

Forests, trees and woodlands cover almost one-third of the Earth’s land area. They are a crucial source of food and income for more than a billion people around the globe. They provide a variety of wood and non-wood products and vital ecosystem services – preventing erosion from wind and…

Journal Articles & Books
December 2009

A field study was carried out in the village Ngoungoumou in the humid forest zone of Cameroon to assess changes in particle size distribution and soil chemical properties in relation to different land-use systems. These strongly acid soils are mainly composed of clay and sand, and are generally…

Reports & Research
November 2009

A quarterly news bulletin dedicated to the exchange of information relating to wildlife and national resources management for the Asia-Pacific region.

Reports & Research
November 2009

A través de un análisis conceptual basado en tratados e instrumentos internacionales y dos estudios de países, en este estudio se explora la relación entre los derechos humanos, en especial el derecho a la alimentación adecuada y el acceso a los recursos naturales con un enfoque específico en la…

Reports & Research
November 2009

The outlook paper for Lao PDR reviews the state of the forestry sector and draws attention to the need for political commitment to the forestry strategy 2020 to bring the forests in the country under sustainable management and provide a firm basis for rural development. Without significant…

Reports & Research
November 2009

Moyennant une analyse conceptuelle basée sur les traités et les instruments internationaux et deux études de pays, cette étude aborde la relation qui existe entre les droits humains, notamment le droit à une nourriture adéquate, et l’accès aux ressources naturelles, en accordant une attention…