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Reports & Research
November 2011

This training manual is for people working in natural disaster risk management and response as well as for people who work in the land tenure sector. In a self-training format this publication aims to provide an overview of the major land tenure issues that may arise following a natural disaster…

Reports & Research
November 2011

Este manual de capacitación está destinado a personas que trabajan tanto en la gestión de riesgos y respuesta a los desastres naturales, como aquéllas que trabajan en el sector de la tenencia de la tierra. Mediante un formato de auto-capacitación, esta publicación tiene como objetivo brindar una…

Reports & Research
November 2011

Ce manuel de formation est destiné tant aux personnes qui travaillent dans la gestion des risques naturels et la réponse aux catastrophes qu’aux personnes qui travaillent dans le domaine de la gestion foncière. En utilisant un format d'auto-formation, cette publication vise à fournir un…

November 2011

The present Law enforces the Federal Spatial Information Act of 5 October 2007. In particular, the Law lays down provisions relating to the enforcement of federal legislation in the field of geographic information and the collection, management and use of spatial data for the area of the canton…

December 2010

The present Ordinance implements the Introductory Law relating to the Federal Agricultural Soil Act of 23 October 1994. Article 1 establishes that the Agricultural and Environmental Office is entrusted with the enforcement of the afore-mentioned Law. The text consists of 7 articles divided into…

Journal Articles & Books
December 2010

It is now widely accepted that agricultural intensification drives the decline of biodiversity and related ecosystem services like pollination. Conservation management, such as agri-environment schemes (AES), has been introduced to counteract these declines, but in Western European countries…

Journal Articles & Books
December 2010

A termőföld kérdése a „rendszerváltástól” kezdődően új megvilágításba került. Az azt megelőző évtizedekben hazánkban uralkodó marxi munkaérték-elmélet alapján a termőföldnek, mint a mezőgazdaság legfőbb termelési tényezőjének – mivel az nem a munka eredményeként keletkezett – hivatalosan nem…

Journal Articles & Books
December 2010

The impacts of agricultural practices and landscape composition on bee communities were investigated in 14 sites located in four Western European countries (Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Switzerland). Standardized interviews with farmers assessed agricultural practices in terms of…

Reports & Research
November 2010

A quarterly news bulletin dedicated to the exchange of information relating to wildlife and national resources management for the Asia-Pacific region.

Journal Articles & Books
November 2010
Journal Articles & Books
November 2010

A potent argument for bioenergy development lies in the ability of the sector to unlock agricultural potential by bringing in much needed investments to raise agricultural productivity to spur food security and poverty reduction. This document presents the BEFS Analytical Framework (AF)…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2010

Land administration and cadastral systems are playing a crucial global role in safeguarding the security of access to land and natural resources. Information technology systems have become basic elements of these systems everywhere. Introduction of automation to land administration has improved…