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COVID-19, Indigenous peoples, local communities and natural resource governance

LandLibrary Resource
December, 2020
United Kingdom

We report on how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting Indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs), especially those who govern, manage and conserve their lands and waters. We explore the themes of access and use of natural resources, solidarity, decision-making, the role of governments and IPLCs in managing COVID-19, and the uptake of traditional medicine.

Gender dimensions of land tenure reforms in Ethiopia 1995-2020

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
November, 2020

This chapter investigates how land tenure reforms in Ethiopia have influenced the position of women in terms of land tenure security, access to land, decision-power over land within households, as well as the gendered impacts of these tenure reforms on land investments, land productivity, land renting, and household consumption welfare.

The effects of gender empowerment training on within-group gender differences in performance and overall group performance: A Pre-Analysis Plan

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
November, 2020

This Pre-Analysis Plan is for a Randomized Control Trial (RCT) for recently formed youth business groups in Tigray Region of Ethiopia. Resource-poor rural youth are given a business opportunity by being allocated a rehabilitated land area where they can establish a joint business.

Farm size and gender distribution of land: Evidence from Ethiopian land registry data

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
November, 2020

Land is an essential asset for the livelihood and welfare of rural households in agriculture-based rural economies. This study utilizes land registry data from the First and Second Stage Land Registration (FSLR and SSLR) Reforms that took place in 1998 and 2016 in Tigray region of Ethiopia, the first region in Ethiopia to implement land registration and certification.

Tierra y desigualdades de género

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
November, 2020

El presente informe se constituye, primero, como una síntesis analítica y articulada de los informes de campo de las 4 comunidades campesinas. En ese sentido, a partir del examen comparativo de los casos desarrollados, nos abocamos a extraer patrones, determinar tendencias o resaltar excepciones que sean pertinentes según los objetivos del estudio.

Land tenure security for women: A conceptual framework

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
November, 2020

While strengthening women’s land rights is increasingly on national and international agendas, there is little consensus on how to understand women’s tenure security. Analyses of women’s land rights often use very different definitions of land rights, from formal ownership to women’s management of plots allocated to them by their husbands.

Réformer le foncier au Cameroun : des pistes pour l’action - Note de politique foncière de la société civile

LandLibrary Resource
Policy Papers & Briefs
November, 2020

Le Cameroun s’est engagé dans un processus de réforme juridique dans les principaux secteurs des ressources naturelles (forêts, mines, terres). Exprimant la position d’un groupe d’organisations et de citoyens intéressés par la gestion de la terre au Cameroun, ce document s’appuie sur les leçons apprises de quarante-cinq années de gestion foncière, depuis la dernière grande réforme de 1974, et s

Illustration de stratégies de sécurisation des droits fonciers des femmes dans un contexte d’acquisition des terres à grande échelle au Sénégal

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
November, 2020

L’acquisition de larges superficies de terres arables dans les pays en développement pour y effectuer des investissements a pris forme et ampleur au Sénégal en 2000 avec l’avènement des réformes dans le secteur agricole.