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Succession Act (Cap. 9:02).

LandLibrary Resource
Trinidad and Tobago

This Act concerns succession and related matters such as the administration of estates of deceased persons. It provides, among other things, for: the among and execution of wills, devolution of estates, distribution on intestacy and grant of representation. The Act also establishes the officer of the Administrator General and defines its functions and powers.

Administration of Estates Ordinance (Cap. 33).

LandLibrary Resource
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
Western Africa

This Ordinance concerns the procedures for control of administration of estates of deceased persons. The Supreme Court shall continue to have jurisdiction in all matters concerning the administration of Estates. Every application for a grant of probate or of letters of administration shall be made by affidavit filed with the Registrar of the Supreme Court.

Perpetuities and Accumulations Act (Cap. 161).

LandLibrary Resource
Eastern Africa

This Act provides for matters relating to interests, i.e. perpetuities and accumulations in (immovable) property. It, among other things: provides for the vesting of the interests, duration, interests regarding (leases of) land, restrictions on accumulations in general, and restriction on accumulation for the purchase of immovable property.

Trusts Restriction Act (Cap. 63).

LandLibrary Resource
Eastern Africa

This Act places restrictions on the creation of settlements, trusts and future interests in relation to rights in land and other property.Subject to certain exceptions, the Act prohibits the settlement of property, the limitation of any property in trust for another or any vesting in possession of property at a future date.

Ley Nº 46 - Ley de los derechos colectivos de los pueblos negros o afroecuatorianos.

LandLibrary Resource
South America

La presente Ley de los derechos colectivos de los pueblos negros o afroecuatorianos, tiene como objetivos fundamentales: garantizar el ejercicio de los derechos colectivos de los pueblos negros o afroecuatorianos; incorporar en el contexto del desarrollo económico, social, cultural y político, el reconocimiento pleno a los afroecuatorianos, para lograr la igualdad de derechos y oportunidades; r

An Act to Amend Some Nepal Acts for Maintaining Gender Equality, 2063 (2006).

LandLibrary Resource
Southern Asia

The Act, consisting of 19 articles, amends some Nepal Acts in order to maintain gender equality having made timely amendment to the discriminatory provisions between women and men in the prevailing Nepal laws. It specifies that: Article 2 [5] states that “the unmarried girl, married women or a widow living separately may enjoy the movable and immovable property on her own” (22).

Administration of Estates (Trust Corporations) Act (Cap. 62).

LandLibrary Resource
Eastern Africa

This Act concerns the faculty of trust corporations (as defined by this Act) to act as administrator of executor of wills or administrator of estates of deceased persons. Certain reservations are made for securities and land. A trust corporation may be appointed as an executor or an administrator by the High Court.