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assessment of restoration of biodiversity in degraded high mountain grazing lands in northern Ethiopia

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
December, 2003

Loss of biodiversity is the single most important threat to the conservation and sustainable use of drylands in northern Ethiopia due to many centuries of cultivation and heavy livestock grazing pressure. The current study assessed the restoration of biodiversity in highly degraded areas in eastern Tigray, northern Ethiopia using area enclosures (AEs).

Comparison of 2 techniques for monitoring vegetation on military lands

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
December, 2003

The U.S. Army is responsible for preparing a well-trained combat force while maintaining the ecological diversity and integrity of the lands it manages. The ability to efficiently collect data that accurately capture plant community diversity and percent composition is imperative to proper monitoring and land management of military lands.

Degradation and recovery processes in arid grazing lands of central Australia. Part 2: vegetation

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
December, 2003

In a naturally heterogeneous landscape in arid central Australia, a previous study found that grazing changed the distribution of water and nutrients amongst different geomorphic strata of the landscape. In this concurrent study, we show that herbage biomass, cover and composition responded primarily to these geomorphic strata and not to grazing.

Degradation and recovery processes in arid grazing lands of central Australia. Part 1: soil and land resources

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
December, 2003

The distribution and quality of soil and land resources in heterogeneous grazing lands of central Australia were changed by grazing. Sites located at increasing distances from livestock watering points showed greater degrees of landscape organization and soil productive potential.

Case studies in the conservation of biodiversity: degradation and threats

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
December, 2003

The rating of biodiversity in arid and semiarid regions on the basis of ecological function and genetic traits of adaptation to severe environmental stresses produces significantly higher values, than that based solely on the commonly applied structural criteria of forms of life and levels of organization.

Assessing the Need for a Regional Approach to Environmental Impact Assessment in Southern Africa

LandLibrary Resource
Conference Papers & Reports
December, 2003
Southern Africa

The objectives of the conference were threefold. First, to determine the need for a regional approach to EA in southern Africa. Second, to determine the best way of accounting for trans-boundary and cumulative impacts in the region.

Determinants of adoption of improved forage technologies in crop-livestock mixed systems: Evidence from the highlands of Ethiopia

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
December, 2003
Eastern Africa

Inadequate feed and nutrition are major constraints to livestock production in sub-Saharan Africa. National and international research agencies, including the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), have developed several feed production and utilisation technologies. However, adoption of these technologies has so far been low.