Mapping climate vulnerability and poverty in Africa
The world’s climate is continuing to change at rates that are projected to be unprecedented in recent human history. Some models are now indicating that the temperature increases to 2100 may be larger than previously estimated in 2001. The impacts of climate change are likely to be considerable in tropical regions.
Changes in the Livestock Sector in Zimbabwe following Land Reform: The Case of Masvingo Province. A Report of a Discussion Workshop
Workshop report draws on a larger research report examining the massively changed context for livestock policy following fast track land reform. Themes discussed were production, grazing, fodder and drought responses, marketing, livestock disease and veterinary services.
IPMS environmental assessment and screening report, Mieso pilot learning woreda
Strategy for ILRI research on feed resources
The importance of feed in increasing livestock productivity and benefits from livestock is stressed. Four major feed resources are identified: pastures, common property resources, forests, and fallow lands; planted forages; crop residues; and concentrate and agricultural by-products.
Studies on cattle milk and meat production in Fogera Woreda: production systems, constraints and opportunities for development
The study was conducted in Fogera woreda which is one of the districts found in Northwestern of the Amharan region with the aim of Characterization of cattle milk and meat production systems of the woreda, to provide the basis for cattle development interventions.
Improving the livelihoods of poor livestock-keepers in Africa through community-based management of indigenous farm animal genetic resources: Kenya 2004/05 progress report
Assessment of the impacts of the drought response program in the provision of emergency livestock and water interventions in preserving pastoral livelihoods in northern Kenya
Policies and strategies to address the vulnerability of pastoralists in Sub-Saharan Africa
This paper makes a case for increased policy attention to pastoralists in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).
Will pastoral legislation disempower pastoralists in the Sahel?
Guinea, Mauritania, Mali, and Burkina Faso have all passed specific legislation in support of pastoralism.
Rural Land Use Policy for Fiji.
The Rural Land Use Policy for Fiji is a national policy with a multi-sectoral approach.
Plan d'Action National pour l'Adaptation aux Changements Climatiques 2006.
Face à l’avancée de la mer, l’érosion côtière, la perte des plages ; la désertification, la réduction des mangroves et autre zones de frayères, la perte des terres arables et autres pâturages ; la salinisation des eaux, la réduction ou l’insuffisance de la disponibilité de l’eau pour l’irrigation et la boisson et autres activités productrices, le Sénégal a élaboré son Plan d’Action National d’A