Jilin Province Land Registration Regulations
Sichuan Province State-owned Land Registration Interim Measures
Figs and fire
Reunión de Agroecología y Producción Sostenible (1, 1994, San Gil, Santander, Colombia). Memorias
Social and economical aspects of Miombo woodland management in Southern Africa: options and opportunities for research
Five themes are identified for social, economic and policy research relating to miombo woodland management in southern Africa. They are: (1) patterns of local institutional change; (2) household use of woodland products; (3) markets for woodland products; (4) longer term dimensions to woodland use and exploitation and (5) policy and legislation.
Indigenous management systems as a basis for community forestry in Tanzania : a case study of Dodoma urban and Lushoto districts
This report presents an analysis of the nature of both indigenous and professionally sponsored community forest management systems in two districts in Tanzania. It describes various types of internally generated forest and tree management systems. It demonstrates that a gap exists between indigenous and externally sponsored management systems.
Indigenous management systems as a basis for community forestry in Tanzania: a case study of Dodoma urban and Lushoto districs.
Forestry in countries with economies in transition
The forestry and forest industries sectors have been borne on the tide of this wider reform. This issue of Unasylva offers an analysis of experiences with regard to forestry in transitional economies, with the aim of facilitating an understanding of the important issues involved in the process.
El sector forestal en los países en transición
El sector forestal en general, y el de la industria forestal en particular, no ha quedado al margen de este amplio proceso de reformas. En el presente nmero de Unasylva se analizan las vicisitudes del sector forestal en determinados pases en transicin hacia la economa de mercado.
Land degradation in south Asia: Its severity, causes and effects upon the people
Forest research
This issue of Unasylva examines a number of facets of forestry research, emphasizing needs for and efforts made towards strengthening national capability in the developing countries.