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L’accès à la terre en Côte d’Ivoire

Peer-reviewed publication
April, 2019
Côte d'Ivoire

En Côte d’Ivoire comme dans d’autres pays africain, le pluralisme juridique est l’origine d’une crise de la légalité et de crispations sociales. L’accès à la terre est emblématique des difficultés et des différends qui peuvent naître de la coexistence, issue de la colonisation, d’une pluralité de modes de normativité étatique et coutumier en jeu sur un même territoire.

Conflits fonciers et problématique de développement rural dans la sous-préfecture de Mongo, région du Guéra (Tchad

Journal Articles & Books
October, 2018

Located in the Guéra region in central Chad, the Mongo Sub-Prefecture is the scene of recurring conflicts related to the occupation and exploitation of the land. While the phenomenon is neither new nor specific to this part of the country, the scale it has taken in recent years makes it a worrying subject. This land conflicts are driven by a multitude of actors with traditional authorities, agricultural producers and the urban elite at the center.

Dahir n° 1-11-178 du 25 hija 1432 (22 novembre 2011) portant promulgation de la loi n° 39-08 relative au code des droits réels

Legislation & Policies
December, 2022

Cette édition contient la traduction officielle des lois et règlements ainsi que tous autres décisions ou documents dont la publication au Bulletin officiel est prévue par les lois ou les réglements en vigueur

Women’S Land Rights: Customary Rules And Formal Laws In The Pastoral Areas Of Ethiopia – Complementary Or In Conflict?

December, 2021

Land in Ethiopia is held by the state and the people; while landholders guaranteed a lifetime ‘holding’ right (any right except sell and mortgage per se). Women have equal rights to men in the formal legal system, despite, in pastoral areas, women’s land rights are highly influenced by religious and customary systems: rights are meaningless unless they are socially recognized and effectively enforced. Studies on women’s land rights comparing between formal and customary land laws are rare.

The politics of legal pluralism in the shaping of spatial power in Myanmar’s land governance

December, 2020

Following the National League for Democracy’s landslide victory in the 2015 national election, Myanmar embarked on a series of legal and political transitions. This paper highlights parallel processes alongside such transitions. Linking land governance with the ongoing peace processes, and taking Karen state as a case study, it brings to light how both processes are in fact closely interlinked. Building on legal pluralism research, we argue that in the context of ethnic states, farmers’ strategies to strengthen their land rights resemble the very notion of state transformation.

Scalar politics, power struggles and institutional emergence in Daw Lar Lake, Myanmar

December, 2020

This paper looks at scalar politics, power struggles, and institutional emergence in Daw Lar Lake in Karen state, Myanmar. It brings to light tensions between centralized and decentralized approaches in the country’s natural resource governance, and how these are manifested in the current legal stalemate with regard to the formal management status of the lake.