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Displaying 1417 - 1428 of 1659

Land Registration Authority Act 2003.

Marshall Islands

This Act provides for the registration of land and establishes for this purpose a Land Registration Authority.The Authority shall be a body corporate and shall be managed by a Board of Directors. The Authority shall: (a) provide a legal framework for the people of the Marshall Islands to voluntarily register their interests in land in order to produce certainty regarding the identity of the legal owners of land and interests in land; (b) provide standards and criteria for land leases; and (c) maintain and keep public records of land and land transactions.

Landlord and Tenant (Amendment) Act 2009 (No. 21 of 2009).

Eastern Africa

This Act amends the Landlord and Tenant Act: in section 3 subsection (2)(ab), by deleting the words “30 June 2012” and replacing them by the words “31 December 2017”; in section 34 subsection (2), by inserting, after the words “may provide”, the words “for the amendment of the Schedules and”; and by repealing Second Schedule and replacing it with the Second Schedule specified in the Schedule to this Act.

Amends: Landlord and Tenant Act (No. 6 of 1999). (1999-08-15)

Crown Pastoral Land Act, 1998.

New Zealand

The purpose of this Act, consisting of 5 Parts and two Schedules, is to administer Crown pastoral land and to establish a system for reviewing the tenure of Crown land.The Act lays down provisions for pastoral leases and occupation licences, and for the management of reviewable land. The text also specifies duties and powers of the Minister of Conservation which may approve proposals and plans for the designation of land to be restored to or retained in full Crown ownership and control as conservation areas, reserves, etc.

Land Leases (Amendment) Act, 2004 (No. 11 of 2004).


This Act amends the Land Leases Act [CAP 163]: (a) in provisions concerning a premium payable by a lessee to a lessor in certain circumstances, advance payment of a five-year period annual lease rent, payment of compensation by a proprietor of registered lease to a lessor in case of sale of a rural lease, and rural lease tax; and (b) by inserting a new provision on a premium payable by a registered proprietor to the Minister for the issue of a new lease.

Amends: Land Leases Act (Cap. 163). (1988)

Land Leases (Amendment) Act, 2007 (No. 5 of 2007).


This Act amends the Land Leases Act [CAP 163] in relation with a premium to be paid by the lessee or the registered proprietor to the lessor prior to the issue of a new lease. This premium shall be based on the full rental value of the unimproved value of the land as determined by the Minister from time to time and the contract rent as agreed to by the lessor and the lessee. The Act also concerns the review of full rental value by the Minister and compensation of a proprietor to a lessor in case of sale of a registered lease.

Amends: Land Leases Act (Cap. 163). (2006)

Regional Law No. 655-33-OZ “On regulation of some land relations”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes that sale of public land parcels, pertaining to regional state property, shall be carried out at the price fixed by the authorized state body. Allocation of public land, pertaining to regional property, on lease shall be carried out in accordance with contracts concluded by the outcome of tenders. Public servitude for ensuring interests of regional administration shall be established by the regional administration upon recommendation of the authorized executive body.

Land Reform (Amendment) Act (No. 6 of 1992).


Sections 10, 11, 12 and 13 of the principal Act are repealed by this Act. The repeal of sections 10, 11, 12 and 13 of the principal Act shall not affect: (a) any declaration, order, or rule made, certificate authority or permit granted, registration effected or other thing done; or (b) any right, privilege, obligation or liability acquired, accrued or incurred. Section 9 is amended accordingly.

Amends: Land Reform Act (Cap. 123). (1988)

Leasing Regulation - Crown Lands and Forests Act (N.B. Reg. 89-32).

Northern America

This Regulation implements the Crown Lands and Forests Act by making detailed provisions on leasing. The Regulation distinguishes the classes of leases of Crown lands, defines respective rentals and the conditions for issuing leases and for their management.

Implements: Crown Lands and Forests Act (S.N.B. 1980, c. C-38.1). (2014-05-01)
Repealed by: Lands Administration Regulation - Crown Lands and Forests Act (N.B. Reg. 2009-62). (2014-09-01)

Crown Lands (Continued Tenures) Regulation 2000.


The Regulation makes provision regarding the following: payments on land in irrigation areas or special land districts, interests on arrears, addition of land to perpetual leases, transfer of yearly leases, conditions for yearly leases, appeals, restrictions on the exercise of mortgagee's powers, devolution under a will or an intestacy, fees for the valuation of land, subdivision of holdings, redetermination of rent of certain leases, objections to, and appeals against, determinations or redeterminations, purchase of land held under lease, fees to be paid for surveys.

Decree No. 1 of the Cabinet of Ministers “On arrangements for promotion of lease relations in agriculture”.

Central Asia

This Decree establishes that payment for long-term lease of agricultural land plots allotted to an agricultural cooperative (shirkat) shall be collected in the form of unified land tax in accordance with rates and within timeframe established by the acting legislation. Annex 2 contains the form of Model long-term lease contract of agricultural land. Annex 3 contains Model statute of agricultural cooperative (shirkat).

Circular No. 05/2007/TT-BTNMT providing guidance on cases eligible for land use incentives and the management of land used by education and training, health, cultural, sports and physical training, scientific and technological, environmental, social, p...

South-Eastern Asia

This Circular provides guidance on cases of land use eligible for land use levy exemption.The Circular shall apply to land used for public service-providing establishments. The text makes provision for the following matters: review of the actual land use status; handling of problems in land use; elaboration and adjustment of land use plans; land allocation and lease; change of land use purposes; land use right transfer transactions; grant of land use certificates and registration of changes in land use; supervision and inspection of land used for public service-providing establishments.