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Issues Land & Food Security related News
Displaying 25 - 36 of 190

India to give land for I2U2-backed food parks

15 July 2022

Projects aimed at food security

India will provide "appropriate land" for "food parks" across the country that will be built in collaboration with Israel, United States and the United Arab Emirates. The plan for the "integrated food parks" was announced in a Joint Statement after the leaders of the I2U2 grouping - India, Israel, the UAE and the USA - announced on Thursday that they would bring in private capital for specific projects in the fields of water, energy, transportation, health, space and food security.

Georgian Agriculture Minister discusses country’s food security with US officials

08 July 2022

Food safety and transfer of modern technology and knowledge to farmers in Georgia were discussed between Agriculture Minister Otar Shamugia and United States officials in Washington, the Ministry announced on Friday. 

During his visit to the capital, Shamugia held meetings with Cary Fowler, the US Department of State’s Special Envoy for Global Food Security, and Jewel Bronaugh, the US Deputy Secretary of Agriculture.

Cabo Verde: ‘Unprecedented’ food insecurity triggers social and economic emergency

24 June 2022

The island nation of Cabo Verde is facing record levels of food insecurity due to drought, the COVID-19 pandemic and the conflict in Ukraine, affecting some 181,000 people, or 32 per cent of the country, the World Food Programme (WFP) reported on Thursday. 

Recent hard-won gains in food security and nutrition are at risk, the UN agency said, forcing the government this week to declare a social and economic emergency. 

Sri Lanka's Army To Cultivate On Barren Land To Supplement Country’s Food Security Amid Crisis

18 June 2022

Main photo: Sri Lanka facing worst economic crisis (file photo-representational photo). Photo by AP/PTI.

Sri Lanka’s army established its Green Agriculture Steering Committee (GASC) to supplement and promote the food security programme in the country facing worst economic crisis.

The Sri Lanka Army will take part in a farming drive aimed at cultivating over 1,500 acres of barren or abandoned state land to multiply food production and avert any shortage in the future, according to a media report.

The Changing Face of Kisii as Smallholder Agriculture Wanes

17 June 2022

Sub-division of ancestral land has all but wiped out farming in Kisii, driving poverty and malnutrition and pushing the population into migration in search of greener pastures.

When my father died in the early 1990s, my mother and my two siblings moved to Kisii in Southwest Kenya. Widowed in her early 30s, my mother inherited about four acres of my father’s ancestral land on which to eke out a living for her young family.

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