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Issues Indigenous & Community Land Rights related Event
Displaying 1 - 12 of 103

Inclusive Land Governance and Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration: Whose Purpose?

19 September 2024
Land administration is a powerful tool for equitable development, but its form and the way it is implemented are crucial for realizing this potential. This webinar will explore how a people-centered and holistic approach can revolutionize Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration (FFPLA) and ensure that land administration truly serves the needs of communities. By prioritizing the voices of local people, particularly women, youth, and marginalized groups, we can create land administration systems that are not only efficient but also just and inclusive.
Land Portal Foundation
Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency

Pathways to Customary Land & Forest Rights in the Mekong

01 July 2024
This webinar presented findings from research conducted by the Mekong Region Land Governance (MRLG) Program and its partners on the recognition and formalization of customary tenure rights across the Mekong region. It highlighted key themes from two important regional publications: "The Recognition and Formalization of Customary Tenure in the Forest Landscapes of the Mekong Region: A Polanyian Perspective" and the "State of Land Brief: Recognition of Customary Tenure in Forest Landscapes of the Mekong Region."
Land Portal Foundation
Mekong Region Land Governance

Gender and Biodiversity : How Indigenous and Local Community Women Safeguard Nature

12 June 2024

Indigenous women’s knowledge is rooted in ancestral understanding of the natural world and the accumulation of observations of local phenomena. The most significant aspect of Indigenous women holding and preserving these traditional knowledge is their holistic approach, which encompasses a wide range of domains beyond mere specialization. They possess an intricate understanding of various species, considering their nutritional value, medicinal properties, and ecological roles. This knowledge, passed down through generations, not only enriches their communities but has been crucial for western science. Indigenous women's insights have often informed Western understandings, leading to the development of medicines and a deeper understanding of climate phenomena such as droughts, floods, and biodiversity migration.

The Tenure Facility
Land Portal Foundation
Ford Foundation
Global Alliance of Territorial Communities

Demandes de justice et traitement des injustices socio-spatiales et environnementales dans les pays du Sud/Demands for justice and responses to socio-spatial and environmental injustice in the global South

23 April 2024 - 25 April 2024

Les pays du Sud connaissent des processus forts d’exclusion foncière et d’exposition à des risques environnementaux, souvent liés à des logiques extractivistes particulièrement brutales. Face à ces situations, on observe une mobilisation croissante des concepts de justice socio-spatiale et environnementale dans les travaux de recherche visant à les décrire et à analyser les différentes formes de résistance ou de contestation qu’elles suscitent. Mais ces concepts reposent implicitement ou explicitement sur des théories de l’État et de la citoyenneté supposées universelles. Le colloque a pour objectif de confronter ces concepts aux relations sociales spécifiques entre l’Etat et les citoyens, dans différents contextes du Sud global.

Institut de recherche pour le développement

Leading the Way : How Indigenous Youth Combat Climate Change Through Land Rights

10 April 2024

Young Indigenous Peoples are facing unprecedented challenges as they grow up in a world where climate change imperils their community’s cultural heritage and ways of life. In response, many are becoming new leaders in climate activism, championing land rights as a pivotal measure in combating environmental degradation and preserving traditional lifestyles.

Land Portal Foundation
Ford Foundation
The Tenure Facility
Youth Initiative for Land in Africa (Yilaa)
TINTA - The Invisible Thread

Land Dialogues Webinar Series 2023

31 December 2022 - 30 December 2023

One of the main aims of the Land Dialogues series is and has been to highlight Indigenous knowledge and wisdom as a solution to pressing global challenges.  The series does so by creating a virtual space that bridges that gap, where the term “expert” is not limited to academics or researchers, in an effort to both decolonize and democratize knowledge.  In particular, the Land Portal’s role is to highlight Indigenous Peoples’ need for agency and control over the data that is about them, recognizing that data can either amplify equality or exacerbate unequal power structures.

Land Portal Foundation
Ford Foundation
The Tenure Facility
Thomson Reuters Foundation

Climate Funding and COP28 : Turning Pledges into Action

27 November 2023

The UN’s past two global climate summits have been big on promises for Indigenous Peoples. At COP26 in 2021 governments and private philanthropies pledged nearly $2 billion for Indigenous Peoples and local communities to fight deforestation. Last year’s COP27 led to the creation of a new “loss and damage” fund to help vulnerable communities respond to climate disasters.

Land Portal Foundation
The Tenure Facility
Thomson Reuters Foundation
Ford Foundation

The role of African traditional authorities in land-based investment governance

15 November 2023

By examining the landscapes of multiple African countries, we will unearth the myriad experiences of traditional leaders, emphasizing the variances in their legislative authority and the weight of their word. By drawing upon actual case studies, the discourse will underscore potential friction areas between traditional leaders, governmental entities, and local populace, especially when the spotlight turns to the management of land based investments within ancestral domains.

International Institute for Environment and Development
Land Portal Foundation
Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment
ILC Africa

Carbon markets and Indigenous lands: The importance of free, prior and informed consent

13 September 2023

While  talk of carbon markets has been prominent of late, offsetting using forest carbon has long been controversial. Carbon markets are trading systems through which countries, businesses, individuals or other entities buy or sell units of greenhouse gas emissions. A newly launched report by the Rainforest Foundation UK, looks at both sides of the coin. 

Ford Foundation
Thomson Reuters Foundation
Land Portal Foundation
The Tenure Facility

Indigenous Land Rights and the Biodiversity COP15: Six Months On

24 May 2023

After two weeks of tense talks, the recent UN Biodiversity Conference COP15 ended with a landmark agreement to guide global action on nature through to 2030. The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), includes concrete measures to halt and reverse nature loss, including putting 30% of the planet and 30% of degraded ecosystems under protection by 2030. 

Land Portal Foundation
Ford Foundation
Thomson Reuters Foundation
The Tenure Facility