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Issues Forest Tenure related News
Displaying 73 - 84 of 277

Creative community-based policies in Bhutan reveal benefits of planted forests

22 October 2020

Main photo: The yak (Bos grunniens and Bos mutus) is a long-haired bovid found throughout the Himalaya region of south Central Asia, the Tibetan Plateau and as far north as Mongolia and Russia. (Used under Creative Commons license) Flickr/Arian Zwegers

An innovative community-based forest management policy has resolved a long-simmering land-use conflict between migratory yak herders and sedentary residents in a remote area of Bhutan.

Stop vicious land grab cycle

19 September 2020

Four years ago, Phu Thap Boek -- a popular mountainous attraction in Phetchabun province -- became synonymous with the success of the military regime in reclaiming forest land, or the Tuang Kuen Phuen Pa campaign when the state took back forest land from illegal occupants.

Lao PDR Amends Its Land Law – What’s New?

27 August 2020
Foreigners are now permitted to purchase from the Government of the Lao PDR a limited ownership of land-use rights over state land for a period of up to 50 years, extendable (“Temporary Ownership”). The Temporary Ownership is permitted only for the specific purpose of the development of condominiums, apartment buildings, or other residential or commercial complexes. While Temporary Ownership applies to Lao nationals as well, we expect that they will be less likely to avail it since they are entitled to hold the more attractive permanent land-use rights.

Report shows 100,000 hectares of forest lost in Prey Lang

11 August 2020

The Prey Lang Protected Area has lost more than 100,000 hectares of forest between 2000 and 2019, more than half of which became plantations, according to a report released August 10 by the NGO Jesuit Service Cambodia’s Ecology Program and the Cambodian Youth Network.

To determine forest loss and recovery over the nearly two decade period, the Technical Report on Forest-Cover Change Detection in the Prey Land Protected Area of Cambodia compared satellite images, which showed that 58,138 hectares of forest was converted into plantations and 43,188 hectares became “non-forest.”

Indonesia inches forward on community forest goal, hobbled by pandemic

06 August 2020

JAKARTA (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Indonesia has cut back its planned transfer of state forests to local communities this year by half - an area twice the size of Los Angeles - because of the coronavirus outbreak, according to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

Bambang Supriyanto, the ministry’s director general of social forestry and environmental partnership, said social distancing measures from March to June had halted the technical work needed on the ground to certify the handover of land.

Amid Pandemic, Malaysia Grants Timber Giant Logging Permit on Indigenous Land in Borneo

14 July 2020

Concession to extract timber from 148,000 hectares in upper Baram was granted despite repeated objections from local communities.

Main photo: Communities like Long Tungan are working hard to find a way to protect their lands and save some of the most valuable carbon and biodiversity stocks we have left. Photo courtesy of The Borneo Project.

Indonesian parliament to probe pulpwood firm’s dispute with Indigenous group

09 July 2020
  • Lawmakers in Indonesia want to question pulp and paper company PT Arara Abadi about its dispute with an Indigenous community in Sumatra that resulted in a member of the community being jailed on dubious charges.
  • The company has held the concession to the land since 1996, but the Sakai Indigenous tribe have lived and farmed there since 1830, and claim ancestral rights to the area.

Resorts embrace 'Sor Por Kor' rental plan

22 June 2020

Resort operators in Wang Nam Khieo district in Nakhon Ratchasima province, a popular holiday spot where several resorts face charges of encroaching upon public forest land, have welcomed Deputy Agricultural Minister Thamanat Prompow's proposal to let them rent Sor Por Kor land plots.

The operators said the policy will create jobs for local people and help the tourism industry.

Alarming new report finds we lost 45,000 square miles of tree cover in 2019. That’s an area the size of Nicaragua

02 June 2020

Last year the world lost some 119,000 square kilometers (45,946 square miles) of tree cover – an area the size of Nicaragua – according to satellite data collated by the University of Maryland (UMD) released today by World Resources Institute (WRI). Almost a third of that loss – or an area the size of Switzerland – came from primary humid tropical forests, which house most of the planet’s plant and animal species and play an important role in climate regulation.

COVID-19: An Alibi for more Oppression, Corporate Control and Destruction of Forests | Bulletin 250 – May/June 2020

01 June 2020

This special bulletin wants to pay tribute to the forest communities and peasant families around the world who despite all odds and difficulties due to the Covid-19 pandemic – including the movement restrictions imposed by governments and the corporate and elite profit-seeking abuses -, have still managed to practice solidarity:

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