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IssueslandLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 5605 - 5616 of 6006

Map Conflation Using Piecewise Linear Rubber-Sheeting Transformation Between Layout And As-Built Plans In Kumasi Metropolis.

December, 2021

Context and backgroundAccurately integrating different geospatial data sets remain a challenging task because diverse geospatial data may have different accuracy levels and formats. Surveyors may typically create several arbitrary coordinate systems at local scales, which could lead to a variety of coordinate datasets causing such data to remain unconsolidated and in-homogeneous.Methodology:In this study, a piecewise rubber-sheeting conflation or geometric correction approach is used to accomplish transformations between such a pair of data for accurate data integration.

The Criteria Used By Motorcyclists To Locate Informal Parking Spaces

December, 2022

In Tanzania, the increase in the number of commercial motorcycles operating in the urban areas has resulted to the establishment of informal parking spaces in various parts of towns and cities. This research aimed to explore the criteria used by commercial motorcycle operators to establish informal motorcycle parking spaces in urban areas. The study on the influence of land use on the spatial distribution of informal motorcycle parking spaces applied triangulation techniques to ensure the validity and reliability of the collected data.

Geospatial Data Integration For Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Review Of The State Of The Art Of Spatio-Temporal Traffic Forecasting

December, 2022

Context and background:Intelligent transportation is a dynamic field focused on enhancing travel efficiency, reducing congestion, and increasing convenience. Central to this domain is the collection and analysis of spatio-temporal data, enabling precise traffic flow predictions and the development of intelligent traffic management systems. Integrating geospatial data, encompassing road topology and proximity to public infrastructure and transportation services, presents a significant challenge in designing effective intelligent transportation systems.

Understanding corruption in Zimbabwe’s land sector: A structural breaks approach

Peer-reviewed publication

This study provides an understanding on whether land reform policies pursued by the government of Zimbabwe post-independence (1980) have an effect on the corruption in the land sector. Agriculture and corruption data from 2000 to 2017 were obtained from World Bank and Ibrahim Index of Governance website respectively. The Bai and Perron multiple structural break tests were employed to establish the break years. Structural breaks in time series assist in understanding factors affecting the dynamics of a series.

Securing land tenure for women in Cameroon's forest societies: a marginalized position seen and maintained

Peer-reviewed publication

Land capital occupies a prominent place in production activities in Africa. In forestry companies, women workers of production excellence, do not enjoy the same rights as the male agent in terms of access to land. This article attempts to question the foundations of this societal injustice while highlighting the various shadows that overwhelm women's tenure security in the forest zone. The major goal is to study in the event of looking for sustainable, inclusive solutions.

Money, power and the complexities of urban land corruption in Zimbabwe

Peer-reviewed publication

ABSTRACT Urban land in Zimbabwe is a lucrative economic and thus political asset. Increased demand for urban land across the country has been driven by multiple factors including high rates of urbanization, increased rural-urban migration, urban population growth and serious challenges in housing provision post-independence. This paper uses desk research to map out the actors and contestations over land.

Dualisme Du Système Foncier En République Démocratique Du Congo Pratiques Déviantes Et Source Des Conflits

Peer-reviewed publication
April, 2020

De nos jours, lorsque l’on parle de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), on entend souvent parler du problème démocratique ainsi que des conflits meurtriers qui ont lieu dans certaines régions notamment du Kasaï ou des Kivus. Les journaux expliquent souvent ces violences en faisant référence à des conflits ethniques et fonciers qui constituent le quotidien des congolais depuis des dizaines d’années.

Action Publique et Dynamismes fonciers au Sénégal : Une Menace Probante des Acteurs Étatiques et Privés.

Peer-reviewed publication

Depuis l'alternance politique en 2000 au Sénégal, il est noté une prolifération de réformes dans différents domaines (éducation, santé, économie, etc.). Dans cette perspective, le domaine foncier n'est pas en reste comme annoncé dans la réforme agraire de 2004 relative à la loi d'orientation agro-sylvo-pastorale (qui n'a pas pu aboutir).


Peer-reviewed publication

This paper aims to explore implications of large-scale land investment for local citizenship, with a particular focus on customs and mobility. The concept of local citizenship is a neglected aspect of land investment debates. We argue that the use of the concept helps us to identify how large-scale land investments work to invoke the hegemonic and customary power of indigenes and undermine local citizenship identity of migrants.

Transparency in Land Title Registration: Strategies to Eradicate Corruption in Africa Land Sector

Peer-reviewed publication
April, 2020

Land titles registration is germane to providing proof of individual ownership of land. In recognition of its importance in enhancing property rights, efforts at improving land title registration has increased significantly. Generally, the most vital areas vulnerable to corruption in Africa land sector are land administration, customary land tenure, management of state-owned land, land use planning, family land inheritance, conversion of land use, investments for both present period and speculative purpose among others.

Compulsory Land Acquisition and Good Governance: An Assessment of the Luguruni Satellite Town Project in Dar es Salaam Tanzania

Peer-reviewed publication

Despite a comprehensive regulatory framework on land matters, compulsory land acquisition in Tanzania has been associated with complaints and delays in compensation payments an indication that good governance principles might not be under serious consideration.

Opérations d’urbanisme et corruption dans le District de Bamako : cas des opérations de lotissement dans la commune VI

Peer-reviewed publication

Notre article porte sur les pratiques de corruption liées aux opérations de lotissement dans le District de Bamako, plus précisément dans la commune VI. Notre démarche a consisté dans un premier temps, à faire une analyse des textes législatifs sur le foncier au Mali, dans un deuxième temps, à réaliser des enquêtes de terrain auprès des acteurs impliqués dans une opération de lotissement.