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Issues farming systems related Blog post
There are 2, 549 content items of different types and languages related to farming systems on the Land Portal.
Displaying 13 - 18 of 18

Do we really want peasants?

10 October 2018
Jur Schuurman

The debate on agriculture and development is heated and, apparently, never ending. This is especially true of the role and position of peasant (or smallholder) agriculture, with people either vigorously defending the sector or saying that in time it will (and should) disappear. Prof. Olivier de Schutter is a clear exponent of the former line of thought, as is evident from his contribution ‘We want peasants’ on Land Portal (26 September, 2018).

We want peasants

26 September 2018
Olivier De Schutter

This week in Geneva, the Human Rights Council is expected to take a position on the follow-up to a draft Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other Persons Working in Rural Areas. Five years after the start of the negotiations, we are at a turning point.

When it comes to land rights, perception is (almost) everything

14 August 2018
Anna Locke

In 2015 the UN agreed a new tranche of global sustainable development goals, signed up to by all member states and due to be achieved by 2030. Among them was a target to increase not only the proportion of adults with legally documented property rights, but also the proportion of adults who perceived their property rights to be secure, whether legally documented or not.

Sí existe un sujeto campesino

30 June 2018

Por : Wilmar Harley Castillo Amorocho (Rebelión)

En Colombia ha sido histórico que el campesinado se movilice por la tener la tierra y trabajarla con fines populares. Agricultura orgánica, producción de alimentos, comercialización en redes locales, junto al despliegue de dinámicas sociales y políticas alrededor de la tierra, cuyo proceso crea otro tipo de relacionamiento entre las personas, con la naturaleza y con el resto de comunidades. Es decir, se construye territorio.

La agricultura familiar: pieza fundamental para la sostenibilidad en el mundo rural

12 February 2018

Fernando Eguren, Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales


El 20 de diciembre de 2017, la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas adoptó oficialmente el Decenio para la Agricultura Familiar 2019-2028, lo cual nos brindará excelentes oportunidades de trabajar en conjunto en el impulso a políticas públicas en favor de las familias y agricultores


Land and the SDGs

06 September 2017
Jeffrey Sachs

By Professor Jeffrey Sachs, Chairman of the Advisory Board of CCSI, University Professor at Columbia University, and Director of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network