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IssuespovertyLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 973 - 984 of 1585

Resilience for Sustainable Development in the Lake Chad Basin

Reports & Research
July, 2018

The humanitarian crisis in the Lake Chad Basin (LCB) is among the most severe in the world, with more than 10 million people in urgent need of life-saving assistance and protection. As the crisis enters its ninth year, attacks by non-state armed groups remain frequent, and the violent conflict continues to fuel large-scale human suffering, including massive violations of human rights, especially for women and girls, who are often victims of abuse and sexual violence. Communities and individuals in the LCB, especially women, are accustomed to shocks and

Las verdades más incómodas del cambio climático no son climáticas

Journal Articles & Books
May, 2017

El aumento de los gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) en la atmósfera es el más comentado —y uno de los más estudiados— de los impactos humanos sobre el planeta por ser motor del cambio climático y de su consecuencia más general y conocida: el calentamiento global. Hay consenso acerca de que estos cambios serán en su mayoría perjudiciales, y por lo tanto también hay muchos análisis sobre cómo evitarlos, o por lo menos atenuarlos.

Derechos humanos, producción y reproducción de la pobreza: incidencia del Tratado de Libre Comercio Canadá - Colombia

Journal Articles & Books

El siguiente artículo argumenta cómo el Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) entre Canadá y Colombia, iniciado el 21 de noviembre de 2008, aumentará las condiciones de vulnerabilidad de la población dedicada al corte de caña de azúcar en el departamento del Valle del Cauca, Colombia. En este sentido, el poder de los organismos internacionales y el de las empresas multinacionales contribuirán a la violación de los Derechos Humanos manteniendo un orden global injusto que ahonda las condiciones de pobreza de las personas que ejercen estas actividades


Reports & Research
September, 2015
South-Eastern Asia

Myanmar is undergoing a major transition, opening space for significant change for the first time in decades. Secure land tenure for smallholder farmers and rural communities is essential in a heavily agrarian nation like Myanmar, where millions in the rural population – nearly 70% of the country – depend on agriculture for their livelihoods.

Terras da União

Reports & Research
March, 2015
South America
As terras de domínio público dão lugar à produção do espaço urbano assim como as terras de propriedade privada. O contraste entre cidade formal e informal, tão característico no Brasil, não faz essa distinção, estando refletido também nas terras pertencentes à União. Esta, titular da dominialidade sobre esses bens, importante reserva pública de recursos fundiários, estaria representando o interesse público, do Estado, ou da acumulação capitalista, na gestão do que se denomina de Patrimônio da União?

Questão fundiária:

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2012
Cape Verde
South America

O presente trabalho intenciona analisar os processos sociais que possibilitaram a ascensão de descendentes de escravos como possuidores de terra em contextos pós-coloniais. O debate ora suscitado busca eleger como foco de reflexão as relações que produzem discursos de verdade, nos quais antigos rendeiros (Cabo Verde) e quilombolas (Brasil) não se constituem facilmente na figura de proprietários.

Reforestation and control of landslides in Macacos Hill, a slum in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

December, 2005
Latin America and the Caribbean

The focus of the project is on increasing the resistance of the physical environment to landslide activity; and building capacity of the community to decrease their vulnerability to landslides when they do occur. Project activities will include: 1. Identifying critical points of erosion and deforestation in Macacos Hill; 2. Promoting Reforestation of Macacos Hill, with the help of residents; 3.

Providing water to the poor: Assessing private sector participation

December, 2001

Can private sector participation (PSP) in the provision of water supply and sanitation services (WSS) meet essential social and environmental needs? New research by the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) suggests that inappropriate forms of private sector involvement that are inadequately regulated are unlikely to be of much value to poorer households or the environment.

Rapid desk based evidence search and gap analysis on environmental degradation and pollution in developing countries

December, 2012

This study has collated information on the role that pollution (air, water and soil pollution) has played in environmental degradation and the consequences of such degradation for human well-being, poverty. The report has primarily collated information from investigative studies that have been conducted in DFID priority countries of sub-Saharan Africa; additional information from key studies is also provided for South and
South East Asia DFID countries.

The Chinyanja Triangle in the Zambezi River Basin, Southern Africa: status of, and prospects for, agriculture, natural resources management and rural development

December, 2013
Sub-Saharan Africa

This paper, which focuses on the Chinyanja Triangle (CT), an area inside the Zambezi River Basin, characterises three distinct farming subsystems across rainfall gradients, namely maize-beans-fish, sorghum-millet-livestock and the livestock-dominated subsystem. It presents the socioeconomic characteristics, historical drivers of change, resources use and management (water, land, forestry) and the institutional disincentives affecting agricultural production and productivity in the region.