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IssuespovertyLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 685 - 696 of 1588

Women and Land Rights

Policy Papers & Briefs
February, 2015

There is a direct relationship between women’s right to land, economic empowerment, food security and poverty reduction. A gender approach to land rights can enable shifts in gender power relations, and assure that all people, regardless of sex, benefit from, and are empowered by, development policies and practices to improve people’s rights to land. This brief gives an overview on how to consider gender aspects in projects and programmes addressing land rights.

UN-Habitat - SDG 11.3 Sustainable urbanization

May, 2017

A defining feature of many of the world’s cities is an outward expansion far beyond formal administrative boundaries, largely propelled by the use of the automobile, poor urban and regional planning and land speculation. A large proportion of cities both from developed and developing countries have high consuming suburban expansion patterns which often extend to even further peripheries. Cities need to accommodate new and thriving urban functions such as transportation routes, etc. as they expand.

Global Urban Lectures: Geoffrey Payne - Improving urban tenure security and property rights

Training Resources & Tools
June, 2017

Geoffrey Payne outlines five fundamental propositions that are key to his understanding of tenure issues and policy options.

These are:

1) That access to affordable land with adequate security of tenure and associated rights is a pre-condition for realising the goal of adequate housing and poverty reduction;

Zambia: Conversions of Customary Land to Leasehold Title

Reports & Research
December, 2013

Zambia recognizes two types of land tenure: customary and leasehold tenure. While historically the majority of land in Zambia has been held under customary tenure, leases (also called leasehold titles) are the only legal means of holding land rights. In 1995, a new Land Act was passed, which makes it easier for investors to acquire leasehold titles to customary land. When an investor obtains a leasehold title to customary land, the customary land reverts to the state once the lease expires and is thereafter governed by statute.


Policy Papers & Briefs
August, 2006

In this oil research paper, we have set out the challenges confronting oil producing countries in sub-Saharan Africa by giving case studies of Nigeria, Angola and Equatorial Guinea. We have also critiqued the draft National Oil and Gas Policy under formulation as well as the legal framework. We argue that the oil Dutch Disease and conflict nexus associated with oil producing countries are not a given since there are examples such as Norway which have utilised their oil revenue for transformation and sustainable development.

Políticas de Género e Feminização da Pobreza em Moçambique

Reports & Research
November, 2008

A igualdade de género e o empoderamento das mulheres têm desde há muito feito parte da agenda internacional do desenvolvimento, e mais ainda desde a Conferência de Beijing em 1995 e da apresentação da noção de “integração do género” (UN/DAW 2008). A questão penetrou também nas políticas nacionais de desenvolvimento, tornando-se parte integrante da maioria dos planos de


Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
June, 2015

This study aims to achieve a better understanding of the agricultural risk and risk management situation in Tanzania with a view to identifying key solutions to reduce current gross domestic product (GDP) growth volatility. For the purpose of this assessment, risk is defined as the probability that an uncertain event will occur that can potentially produce losses to participants along the supply chain.

Sanitation Marketing in Lao People's Democratic Republic

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
March, 2016
Eastern Asia

This report summarizes the results, lessons and recommendations to the Government of Lao PDR from two Technical Assistance projects (TA) “Supporting Demand Creation for Sanitation through Community Led Total Sanitation” and “Sanitation Marketing in Lao PDR” carried out by the World Bank’s Water and Sanitation Program between October 2012 and December 2015. The development objective of the TAs was to increase improved sanitation and hygiene practices and change community behavior to achieve Open Defecation Free (ODF) status at the village level.