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Anuario Estadístico de América Latina y el Caribe 2019 = Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean 2019

Institutional & promotional materials
April, 2020
Latin America and the Caribbean

En el Anuario Estadístico de América Latina y el Caribe de la CEPAL se presenta un conjunto de estadísticas básicas que caracterizan la situación económica, sociodemográfica y ambiental de la región referidas a un período en particular. Esta información forma parte del conjunto de estadísticas disponibles en CEPALSTAT, el portal de bases de datos y publicaciones estadísticas de la CEPAL [en línea].

Asentamientos informales en América Latina: epicentro urbano de los desafíos del desarrollo sostenible

Institutional & promotional materials
September, 2019
South America
Central America

Recientemente se ha constituido una agenda urbana de desarrollo sostenible que tiene como fundamentos los diagnósticos y compromisos asumidos en diversos acuerdos internacionales que han tenido lugar en los últimos años. Entre estos resaltan la Agenda 2030, la Nueva Agenda Urbana Mundial y el Acuerdo de París.

Integrating land tenure, infrastructure and water catchment management in São Paulo’s periphery: lessons from a gaming approach

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2009
South America

Much of São Paulo’s urban expansion is driven by the development of informal settlements on its periphery, which includes the catchment areas that provide important environmental services such as open space and catchments for drinking water reservoirs. In such areas, governance of land, water services and water resources, traditionally administered separately, are in fact interdependent.

Pitfalls and Promise: Minerals Extraction in Afghanistan

Reports & Research
February, 2020

The extractive industry can be an important source of human development, economic growth, government revenues and foreign investments. When well-managed, the sector provides possibility to create employment, build human capital, advance peoples mobility by improving infrastructure, and ultimately enhance the overall human development with a positive impact on poverty reduction efforts.

Small Family Farms Country Factsheet: Tajikistan

Policy Papers & Briefs
November, 2018

Although only 5 percent of Tajikistan's land area is farmable due to the country's mountainous geography, agriculture accounts for 53 percent of total employment. Among those households that engage in agriculture, almost 90 percent can be classified as small family farms. With 0.2 hectares on average, Tajikistan's smallholders operate on very marginalized farmland which makes it less surprising that on-farm income and income from non-agricultural wages are almost evenly balanced.

Land Reform in Tajikistan

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2007

This paper examines the impact of land reform on agricultural productivity in Tajikistan. Recent legislation allows farmers to obtain access to heritable land shares for private use, but reform has been geographically uneven. The break-up of state farms has occurred in some areas where agriculture has little to offer but, where high value crops are grown, land reform has hardly begun. In cases where collectivized farming persists and land has not been distributed, productivity remains low and individual households benefit little from farming.

Livestock and land share contracts in a Hindu Society

Reports & Research
December, 2011

This paper examines factors related to the existence of a livestock rental market in western Nepal and assesses whether this is associated with caste differentiation and land rental market participation. This study brings new empirical evidence of livestock rental market against the established view that such market does not exist due to moral hazard.

High discount rates : an artifact caused by poorly framed experiments or a result of people being poor and vulnerable?

Reports & Research
December, 2013

This study revisits the issue whether poverty and shocks are associated with high discount rates by using an incentive compatible Multiple Price List approach in a poor rural population in Africa where a substantial share of the population had been affected by drought in the recent rainy season. Randomized treatments included tests for present bias, magnitude effects and time horizon effects.

Community forestry development research in South East Asia : findings of a synthesis study of IDRC supported projects in Cambodia, NE India, Indonesia, Nepal, Philippines and Vietnam

Institutional & promotional materials
December, 2010

Ten IDRC-supported community forestry projects in six countries were selected for this synthesis study. A sizable part of the rural population in these countries are designated as ‘encroachers’ or ‘trespassers’ in the ‘forest.’ Many of these forest users claim long standing customary rights to the area, some of which are formally recognized in state law, but seldom in practice.

Governing Land Use in Kenya: From Sectoral Fragmentation to Sustainable Integration of Law and Policy

Reports & Research
December, 2011

The research aims to develop a legal and policy framework that will facilitate integration of environmental protection with socio-economic activities during land use decision-making, as a mechanism to achieve sustainability. A statutory duty of care, with respect to land use, would make it clear that land owners or occupiers have definite responsibilities to protect and enhance the sustainability of the land that they use or manage; it would aim to reverse existing land degradation, or include a duty to inform other land owners or the state about some kinds of foreseeable degradation.