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Issuestenure securityLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 1117 - 1128 of 1204

Evaluation of General Circulation Models CMIP6 Performance and Future Climate Change over the Omo River Basin, Ethiopia

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2022

One of the world’s major issues is climate change, which has a significant impact on ecosystems, human beings, agricultural productivity, water resources, and environmental management. The General Circulation Models (GCMs), specially the recently released (coupled model intercomparison project six) CMIP6 are very indispensable to understand and support decision makers to identify adaptation strategies in response to future climate change in a basin. However, proper selection of skillful GCMs and future climate assessment is a prior task to climate impact studies.

Effects of the Most Appropriate Proportion of Phytohormones on Tree-Ring Growth in Clones of Hybrid Larch

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2022

The increase in the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration promotes its accumulation in trees by regulating the synthesis and transportation genes for endogenous hormones, such as IAA and GA, which are key factors in regulating various life activities, including growth rings.

‘Generation Rent’ in a Super Homeownership Environment: The Case of Budapest, Hungary

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2021

The paper examines the applicability of the concept of ‘generation rent’ in the ‘super-homeownership’ housing regime and better-off focused welfare regime of Hungary. Available official statistical and survey data show the increase in private rentals among young households, and the appearance of private rental housing as a potential longer-term solution in the attitudes of young people towards housing. In the Hungarian context, the strong role of intergenerational transfers in access to home ownership and public housing policies contribute to the development of a ‘generation rent’.

Impact of Insecure Land Tenure on Sustainable Agricultural Development: A Case Study of Agricultural Lands in the Republic of Benin, West Africa

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2021

This study assesses the impact of insecure land tenure on sustainable agricultural development in Africa to demonstrate how the economic profitability of agriculture strongly depends on land tenure security. The Republic of Benin is used as the case study following the country’s recent enactment of land law 2013-01 that focuses on reorganizing the land sector, which has suffered from inappropriate management since the colonial era.

Anthropogenic Land Use Change and Adoption of Climate Smart Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2021

Compelling evidence in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) shows that Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) has a positive impact on agricultural productivity. However, the uptake of CSA remains low, which is related to anthropogenic, or human-related, decisions about CSA and agricultural land use. This paper assesses households’ decisions to allocate agricultural land to CSA technologies across space and over time. We use the state-contingent theory, mixed methods, and mixed data sources. While agricultural land is increasing, forest land is decreasing across countries in SSA.

The Impact of Farmland Tenure Security on China’s Agricultural Production Efficiency: A Perspective of Agricultural Production Factors

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2021

Improving agricultural production efficiency is an effective means to ensure food security and promote agricultural sustainable development in China. Stable agricultural land property rights help optimize the allocation of production factors and improve production efficiency, and it is of great practical significance to study the influence of farmland tenure security on agricultural production efficiency.


Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2019

Effective reform pathways for addressing women’s access to land and tenure security in Africa are yet to be found despite their role in feeding the population. With the adoption of the AU Declaration on Land Issues and Challenges in Africa (2009) and the launch of the African Land Policy Centre (2017), hopes were high that existing precarious women’s access to land, tenure and food security might be transformed to opportunities. Prevailing discourses, however, still advocate for land reforms attuned to gender equality with a neo-classical chord.

Innovative Customary Land Governance in Zambia: Experiences, Lessons Learned and Emerging Impacts

Peer-reviewed publication
February, 2020

In Zambia, security of tenure for communities residing under customary land tenure settings has in recent years increasingly come under threat owing to the pressures of high rate of urbanization, speculation, subdivision and conversion to state land, which effectively excludes marginal populations from accessing resources for their land. While customary land is a major resource for most Zambians, the inadequacy or total lack of documentation leads to tenure insecurity, making people susceptible to forced displacements, and frequent land disputes.

Women’s Access to Land and Security of Tenure post 2013 Constitution in Zimbabwe

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2019

Rural women’s livelihoods in Africa are dependent on their rights and entitlement to land as well as security of tenure. Equally important is how land laws and land governance systems shape and reshape women’s access to land and tenure security. As such, this paper focuses on women’s access to land and tenure security after the adoption of a new Constitution in 2013 and Statutory Instrument 53 of 2014 in Zimbabwe. Whereas both legal instruments are progressive and guarantee women’s rights to property, their realization is shrouded in complexities and contradictions.

Threats of Statutory Tenure on Customary Land in Zambia: Evidence from Chamuka Chiefdom in Chisamba District

Peer-reviewed publication
February, 2020

This chapter investigated threats of statutory tenure on customary land. The study was primarily qualitative in nature and adopted a case study approach. Using evidence from Chamuka Chiefdom in Chisamba District, Central Province, the paper concludes that there are various threats of statutory tenure on customary land. These include traditional leaders losing control over land, displacements, land disputes, investors acquire more land than what is demarcated to them by traditional leaders, traditional leaders’ not consulting their community members, corruption, and tenure insecurity.

Slow, stealthy and steady – capacity development to address land tenure issues in development programmes: experiences of the IFAD/GLTN TSLI-ESA Project

Peer-reviewed publication
February, 2019

Land and natural resource tenure security is a central yet often neglected area for economic development and poverty reduction in the developing world. Land is fundamental to the lives of poor rural people. It is a source of food, shelter, income and social identity. Secure access to land reduces vulnerability to hunger and poverty. There are some 1.3 billion extremely poor people in the world, struggling to survive on less than US$1.25 a day, and close to a billion continue to suffer from chronic under-nourishment.

Securing Land Transactions with Biometric data in Ghana

Peer-reviewed publication
April, 2020

There is a gap between land tenure and the physical land giving room for impersonation, multiple allocation and sale of plots, loss of possession, land racketeering and fraud through forgery. Hence, the need to identify unambiguously parties involved in land transactions so that the root of title can be traced to ensure tenure security. This paper explores innovative ways of filling the gap with biometric data to secure land transactions.