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Statement at Habitat III Informal Hearing with Stakeholders, June, 2016

Reports & Research
June, 2016

Statement proffered at Habitat III Informal Hearing with Stakeholders Panel 4 Effective Implementation, June 7th 2016, by Maria Luisa Alvarado, representing Habitat for Humanity International Latin America and the Caribbean region, and speaking as a member of the Civil Society Organization Partner Constituent Group of the General Assembly of Partners.

2 Foro Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Vivienda Adecuada 2015

Reports & Research
May, 2015
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Trinidad and Tobago

Un resumen de experiencias prometedoras en materia de vivienda adecuada y asentamientos humanos en América Latina y el Caribe. Dichas experiencias fueron seleccionadas por medio de un Comité Calificador, compuesto por representantes de las instituciones organizadoras del Foro Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Vivienda Adecuada, a partir de más de 70 concursantes.

Nota Conceptual – Reunión de Expertos Gobernanza Responsable y Tenencia Segura del Suelo en América Latina y Caribe

Reports & Research
July, 2016
Costa Rica
Dominican Republic

Nota Conceptual de la Reunión de Expertos "Conceptos, Contextos y Soluciones para la Gobernanza Responsable y Tenencia Segura del Suelo en América Latina y Caribe", realizada en San José, Costa Rica, Julio 2016. Participaran de la reunión expertos y representantes de diversos sectores (públicos, academia, OSC, privado) para revisar el Reporte preliminar Gobernanza Responsable y Tenencia Segura del Suelo de Áreas Urbanas y Peri-Urbanas en América Latina y el Caribe: Análisis de 10 países".

Improving Access to Urban Land and Property Entitlements for Women and Excluded Families in Cochabamba, Bolivia

Reports & Research
April, 2012

Paper prepared for presentation at the "ANNUAL WORLD BANK CONFERENCE ON LAND AND POVERTY" The World Bank Washington DC, April 23-36, 2012. With the 2009 Constitution (CPEB), Bolivia has recently adopted a new regulatory framework that recognizes individual and collective property entitlements, secures land access for women, promotes citizen voice in public policy, and encourages accessible mechanisms for land use, planning, and registry.

HFH Reactions to Zero Draft of the New Urban Agenda

Reports & Research
May, 2016

Habitat for Humanity International applauds members of the Bureau of the Preparatory Committee, the Habitat III Secretariat, Member States and the engagement and dedication of all Habitat III stakeholders in creating the Zero Draft of the New Urban Agenda. Habitat III is a critical opportunity to reinvigorate global commitment to sustainable development and this draft sets us on the right path. The New Urban Agenda must: 1) emphasize adequate and affordable housing, 2) prioritize security of tenure, 3) promote community-led development, and 4) set specific and accountable measures.

Solid Ground – a global advocacy campaign of Habitat for Humanity

Manuals & Guidelines
July, 2016
Costa Rica
Dominican Republic

Presentation by Anne Myers, Habitat for Humanity International, during the Experts Group Meeting on Responsible Land Governance and Security of Tenure in Latin America and Caribbean. Title of presentation: Solid Ground - a global advocacy campaign of Habitat for Humanity

Reform State-Owned Forest Enterprise and Ethnic Minority Land Tenure Security in Vietnam

Policy Papers & Briefs
March, 2016

During revolution and national unification, Vietnamese government nationalized agricultural and forest land throughout the country. While agricultural land was de-collectivized in the Doi moi reforms since mid-1980s, the majority of forest and forest land has continued to be managed by state enterprises. For members of Vietnam’s 53 recognized ethnic minority groups, the formation of state-owned forest enterprises (SFEs) has meant the end of customary tenure arrangements, leading to exclusion from traditional lands used for agriculture, hunting, and collection of non-timber forest products.

Shelter Report 2016

Reports & Research
September, 2015

Land tenure is one of the great challenges Habitat for Humanity faces in helping families access decent housing. Countless families around the world lack rights to the land on which they live. Just imagine the stress of knowing that any day you might be forced to move because someone else claims ownership of the place you call home.

Remaking the Urban Mosaic

Manuals & Guidelines
October, 2016

Participatory and inclusive land readjustment, or PILaR for short, is a way of reorganizing the ownership of land in and around cities in a pro-poor way. It brings together land parcels belonging to different owners and treats them as a single unit for planning and infrastructure provision. The municipality reserves a portion of the land for roads and other public infrastructure, and returns the rest to the original owners. Each owner gets back a smaller parcel, but it is worth more because it now has road access and other services.

Global Land Tool Network Annual Report - 2015

Institutional & promotional materials
October, 2016

This annual report presents main achievements of 2015.

GLTN aims to contribute to poverty alleviation and the Millennium Development Goals through land reform, improved land management and security of tenure. The network has developed a global land partnership. Its members include international civil society organizations, international finance institutions, international research and training institutions, donors and professional bodies. It aims to take a more holistic approach to land issues and improve global land coordination in various ways.