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Training Package Toolkit: Tools to support Transparency in Land Administration

Training Resources & Tools
December, 2012

This publication forms a part of a two volume training package on Tools to Improve Transparency in Land Administration. The training package comprises a Training Toolkit and a Trainers' Guide. The first provides content and the latter training methods. The publication is a product of a series of training workshops implemented across Sub-Sahara Africa, South and South East Asia. Under the leadership of the GLTN/UN-Habitat, the training brought together six universities from the global South and one from Europe.

2nd UK Land Forum: Land and corruption

Reports & Research
April, 2016

The second edition of the UK Land Forum held at the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors on the 13th April 2016. It was attended by 31 people drawn from the civil society, public and private sectors. The theme of the meeting was 'Land and Corruption', chosen because of the magnitude of corruption in land and limitations in the evidence base and clear policy directions in the field. It was also a window of opportunity to highlight recent research in a forthcoming high-level UK summit on corruption.

An analysis of the impact of land-related corruption on women: case studies from Ghana and Zimbabwe

Policy Papers & Briefs
February, 2016
This paper, presented at the 2016 World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty, explores the intersection between land corruption and women's access and ownership of land. Through analyzing a series of case studies, the paper notes that land access and ownership is increasingly defined by

variables such as power, patronage and politics.

(16 July 2012) Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Cambodia, Surya P. Subedi

Reports & Research
December, 2012

Twenty years after the Paris Peace Agreements, the Special Rapporteur takes stock of progress in Cambodia's human rights situation, with particular emphasis on land issues and land concessions. The report is based on missions to Cambodia in December 2011 and May 2012. The first enabled a human rights assessment of State institutions relevant to the electoral process in Cambodia, including the laws, policies and practices applicable to elections.

Public Land Governance in Solomon Islands

August, 2012

In countries where a large proportion of
the total land area is held customarily, reform questions
around land and development often tend to focus on the
customary estate. Evidence from Solomon Islands suggests
that a focus on public land holdings, even when they are
relatively small in land area, can yield outsized benefits.
Publicly owned land regularly includes economically valuable
land and urban land on which development pressure is high.

A Systemic Analysis of Land Markets and Land Institutions in West African Cities : Rules and Practices--The Case of Bamako, Mali

February, 2014

This paper presents a new type of land
market analysis relevant to cities with plural tenure
systems as in West Africa. The methodology hinges on a
systemic analysis of land delivery channels, which helps to
show how land is initially made available for circulation,
how tenure can be formalized incrementally, and the
different means whereby households can access land. The
analysis is applied to the area of Bamako in Mali, where

Challenges and Opportunities in Promoting VGGT to Secure Tenure Rights of Family Farmers

Reports & Research
August, 2015

In 2014-2015, the Asian Farmers Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA) implemented a project entitled “Popularizing the VGGT Among Small Scale Farmers Organizations, Relevant National Government and Inter-governmental Organizations” with the support of the International Land Coalition (ILC).

Farmers’ Regional Trade Agenda: Farmers’ Collective Voice on Trade in the ASEAN Region

Reports & Research
September, 2009

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has been trying hard to go into free trade agreements (FTAs) with different countries. It believes that this will increase trade and help members sell their export products to more markets in other countries. It also wants to make ASEAN the world's center of agricultural production. But in opening up markets and increasing trade, more imported goods from other countries can also come in.

Review of National Policy Framework on Tenure Rights in the Context of VGGT

Reports & Research
September, 2015

The Voluntary Guidelines for the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (or VGGT) is the first global document that addresses policy, legal and organizational frameworks that regulate tenure rights. Adopted by the Committee on World Food Security1 (CFS) last May 2012, the VGGT provide guidance on responsible governance of tenure on land, fisheries and forests as a means to alleviate hunger and poverty, enhance the environment, support national and local development and reform public administration.