Course: Addressing tenure issues in the context of natural disasters
One of the impacts of climate change is an increase in the incidence, severity and unpredictability of natural disasters. This course explains how livelihoods and tenure rights are affected by natural disasters, and illustrates how responsible governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests can support a disaster management process through improved prevention, mitigation, preparedness, emergency response, and recovery and reconstruction.
Manual sobre género en agricultura
Este Manual es un recurso particularmente oportuno. Combina relatos descriptivos de las experiencias nacionales e internacionales en las inversiones agrícolas con directrices operativas prácticas sobre cómo diseñar estrategias agrícolas para el desarrollo, que capitalicen de manera efectiva las propiedades únicas del crecimiento agrario y el desarrollo rural con la participación de hombres y mujeres como un recurso de alto impacto para la reducción de la pobreza.
Assessing Forest Governance
Forest governance assessment is an expanding practice. People are using Assessments to watch for developing problems, diagnose needs for reform, Monitor progress of programs, and evaluate impacts. Governments, civil society Organizations, development partners, academics and coalitions of stakeholders Have all performed assessments in recent years. In 2012, an expert meeting at fao headquarters in rome recommended the creation of a guide to good practices in forest governance assessment and data collection.
Género y tierra - Igualdad de condiciones
El acceso a la tierra es indispensable para la producción de alimentos y la generación de ingresos. Asimismo, constituye un bien social y económico decisivo, que reviste una importancia crucial para la identidad cultural, el poder político y la participación en el proceso de toma de decisiones. Las creencias sociales y culturales suelen dar lugar a discriminación contra las personas por motivos de género, clase social o grupo étnico.
Report of the FAO Workshop on Governance of Tenure for Responsible Capture Fisheries. Rome, 4 -6 July 2011
The Workshop on Governance of Tenure for Responsible Capture Fisheries was convened by the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department in collaboration with the Land Tenure Unit of the Natural Resources and Environment Department to generate inputs and guidance on the contents and process of developing fisheries sector specific implementation guidelines on the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security.
Governance of Land Tenure in Central America
Land Tenure Working Paper 18. Presents the main themes that characterize the governance in land tenure and analyses the aspects related to the evolution of agricultural policy issues in various Central American countries. It also offers some examples and lessons learned from new models of land administration and land access mechanisms that Central American governments and International Cooperation have fostered over the past fifteen years in the Region. Available in Spanish
Управление режимом владения землей в странах восточной европы и содружества независимых государств (снг)
Настоящее исследование по вопросам управления землепользованием в странах Восточной Европы и Содружества Независимых Государств (СНГ) было подготовлено в качестве основания для обсуждения в ходе региональных консультационных совещаний в рамках разработки Добровольных руководящих принципов ответственного управления режимом владения землей и другими природными ресурсами ФАО. Региональное совещание для Восточной Европы состоялось в Бухаресте 22 24 марта 2010 года. Региональное совещание для стран СНГ будет проведено позже в этом году.
Dialogue, Consensus and Vision
Land Tenure Working Paper 12: The Participatory and Negotiated Territorial Development (PNTD) methodology is a facilitative process developed by FAO that strives for rural development through negotiation, participation and dialogue. In view of the growing competition over limited resources among actors and territories and the decreasing credibility of public administrations, this approach focuses on establishing and maintaining social dialogue within the territory and restructuring and/or strengthening territorial institutions.
Land tenure, food security and investment in postwar Sierra Leone
This paper represents part of an area of work on land tenure in post-conflict situations. An earlier LSP paper explored post-conflict land tenure in the context of sustainable livelihoods (LSP Working Paper 18: Unruh, J. (2004). “Post-conflict land tenure: using a sustainable livelihoods approach”.) The work is complemented by the FAO Land Tenure Studies 8 “Access to rural land and land administration after violent conflicts”.
Land Tenure Journal 1/2013 - Revue des Questions Foncières 1/2013
The Land Tenure Journal is a peer-reviewed, open-access flagship journal of the Climate, Energy and Tenure Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The Land Tenure Journal, launched in early 2010, is a successor to the Land Reform, Land Settlement and Co-operatives, which was published between 1964 and 2009. The Land Tenure Journal is a medium for the dissemination of quality information and diversified views on land and natural resources tenure.
Gobernanza de la tierra por parte de mujeres y hombres
Documento de trabajo sobre la tenencia de la tierra 19. Este documento se enmarca dentro de la consulta global de las Directrices Voluntarias y su proceso de desarrollo y es una aportación para la preparación posterior de la Guía Técnica de Género. En él se contextualiza y se define el concepto de género en las Directrices Voluntarias, se trata el significado de gobernanza de tenencia desde la perspectiva de género y se identifican y analizan los temas y aspectos claves.