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Displaying 973 - 984 of 3133

Trade and Cities

June, 2014

Many developing countries display
remarkably high degrees of urban concentration that are
incommensurate with their levels of urbanization. The cost
of excessively high levels of urban concentration can be
very high in terms of overpopulation, congestion, and
productivity growth. One strand of the theoretical
literature suggests that such high levels of concentration
may be the result of restrictive trade policies that trigger

Enhanced Spatial Planning as a Precondition for Sustainable Urban Development

June, 2014

This report provides an analysis of the
spatial planning system in Romania and suggests ways in
which it can be improved. Romania has recently experienced a
proliferation of plans, strategies, and policies developed
at all administrative levels. Adding to this, the analysis
of territorial and urban development in Romania reveals
important dynamics and challenges, such as uncontrolled
expansion of built perimeters, increased pressures on

Access to Affordable and Low-Income Housing in East Asia and the Pacific

January, 2015

Across the world, the housing sector
plays a key role in local and national economies, and
expanding access to housing can encourage more equitably
shared economic growth. This report surveys current policy
interventions designed to encourage affordable housing in
East Asia and the Pacific (EAP). The purpose of this report
is to provide a general overview of the recent trends in
urbanization and development in EAP and to consider

Open Skies over the Middle East

June, 2014

The dynamism of air traffic markets in
the Middle East obscures the persistence of restrictions on
international competition. But how important are such
restrictions for passenger traffic? This paper uses detailed
data on worldwide passenger aviation to estimate the effect
of air transport policy on international air traffic. The
policy variable is a quantitative measure of the commitments
under international agreements. The paper analyzes, for the

Building Sustainability in an Urbanizing World : A Partnership Report

June, 2014

Cities are hubs of global change, and
their global influence continues to grow. Cities contribute
significantly to global challenges like climate change and
biodiversity loss. At the same time, cities experience
impacts like climate change first and with greatest
intensity. Further, cities are becoming leaders worldwide in
efforts to address global environmental and social problems.
Some of the most important smaller-scale agreements and

Monitoring Welfare and Perceptions in South Sudan 2012–2014

August, 2015

Since early 2012, the World Bank’s High Frequency South Sudan Survey has collected a panel data set to monitor the welfare and perceptions of citizens in a
selected number of state capitals in South Sudan. This note presents the findings of all six rounds of the survey on the topics of (1) Security, (2) Economic
Conditions, (3) Assets and Consumption, and (4) Access to Services. The results are based on 143 households in Juba, Wau and Rumbek revisited six times.

Barriers to the Implementation of Environmental Policies at the Local Level in China

October, 2014

China's national leaders have
recently made a priority of changing lanes from a
pollution-intensive, growth-at-any-cost model to a
resource-efficient and sustainable one. The immense
challenges of rapid urbanization are one aspect of the
problem. Central-local government relations are another
source of challenges, since the central government's
green agenda does not always find willing followers at lower

Growth Poles Program : Political Economy of Social Capital

June, 2014

The Government of Sierra Leone (GosL)
and the World Bank (WB) have agreed upon the design and
implementation of a growth poles program (GPP) in support of
the agenda for prosperity (A4P), the GoSL's third
poverty reduction strategy paper (PRSPIII). With support
from the European Union competitive industries and
innovation practice trust fund, the WB has been undertaking
a series of scoping and diagnostic analyses on the GPP since

Forced Displacement of and Potential Solutions for IDPS and Refugees in the Sahel : Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, and Niger

September, 2014

A development response to forced
displacement in the Sahel requires a regional approach. Such
an approach would have the benefits of being able to: (i)
overcome challenges relating to cross--- border movements,
(ii) obtain commitments by host governments to support the
prospects of displaced from neighboring countries and (iii)
facilitate common approaches, shared conceptualization and
learning. A regional approach will be appropriate in the

The Urban Imperative : Toward Shared Prosperity

April, 2014

Urbanization is undoubtedly a key driver
of development - cities provide the national platform for
prosperity, job creation, and poverty reduction. But
urbanization also poses enormous challenges that one is
familiar with: congestion, air pollution, social divisions,
crime, the breakdown of public services and infrastructure,
and the slums that one billion urban resident's call
home. Urbanization is perhaps the single most important

Urban Labor Markets in Sub-Saharan Africa

September, 2013

The population of Sub-Saharan Africa
stood at 854 million in 2010. Annual population growth
averaged 2.5 percent, with a relatively high sustained
fertility rate, fostered by the fact that two-thirds of the
population is under 25. The region has the highest
proportion of poor people in the world, with 47.5 percent of
its population living on less than $1.25 a day, as measured
in terms of purchasing power parity in 2008. It is also the

A Dynamic Spatial Model of Rural-Urban Transformation with Public Goods

October, 2014

This paper develops a dynamic model that
explains the pattern of population and production allocation
in an economy with an urban location and a rural one.
Agglomeration economies make urban dwellers benefit from a
larger population living in the city and urban firms become
more productive when they operate in locations with a larger
labor force. However, congestion costs associated with a too
large population size limit the process of urban-rural