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Ethiopia : Well-Being and Poverty in Ethiopia, The Role of Agriculture and Agency

June, 2012

A decade and a half of relative peace and political stability, broad economic reforms, and far-reaching political decentralization have brought Ethiopia back from one of its lowest levels of income per capita to one of its highest levels over the past forty years. At the same time, Gross Domestic Product per capita today is still only slightly above the levels reached in the early 1970 underscoring the deep-rooted and complex nature of poverty in Ethiopia.

Iraq Country Water Resource Assistance Strategy : Addressing Major Threats to People's Livelihoods

August, 2014

This report for Iraq - country water
resources assistance strategy (CWRAS) addresses these
objectives in two parts. The first part, which is largely
descriptive, reviews existing conditions and summarizes
Iraq's considerable accomplishments over the past
decades in developing and managing water resources. The
second part investigates challenges and priorities-how to
balance the needs of short-term reconstruction and the

Major Challenges for Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction in the Mekong River Delta

March, 2013

The study focuses on analyzing and
assessing some main features of the situation and the
implementation results of Comprehensive Poverty Reduction
and Growth Strategy (CPRGS) in order to identify major
challenges for economic growth and poverty reduction, which
will serve as the basis for the proposal of policy framework
to overcome the challenges as well as achieve the basic
targets for economic growth and poverty reduction in the

Macro and Micro Perspectives of Growth and Poverty in Africa

February, 2014

This article reviews trends in poverty,
economic policies, and growth in a sample of African
countries during the 1990s, drawing on the better household
data now available. Experiences have varied. Some countries
have seen sharp drops in income poverty, whereas others have
witnessed marked increases. In some countries overall
economic growth has been pro-poor and in others not. But the
aggregate numbers hide systematic distributional effects.

Turkey - Joint Poverty Assessment Report : Volume 1. Main Report

June, 2012

This report sets out a new poverty line methodology for Turkey, as the basic measure of poverty in the country. However, several poverty lines are calculated for the purpose of international comparability, and comparability to the Bank's poverty measures, using the 1987 and 1994 data. The basic data used in Volume One are from the official 2002 Household Budget Survey (HBS). The analysis refers generally to the new poverty line methodology that results in 27 percent poor. This line is called "complete" poverty line, and is referred to as "Total poverty" in statistical tables.

Handbook for Preparing a Resettlement Action Plan

August, 2013

This handbook intends to document the
essential steps for best practice in the design, and
implementation of resettlement action plans. Given that
involuntary resettlement entails both the physical
displacement of peoples, and the disruption of their
livelihoods, social development specialists at the
International Finance Corporation (IFC), worked together
with project developers to ensure consistent, and pragmatic

Turkey : Rural Finance Study, Volume 1. Main Report

March, 2013

Over the past five years in Turkey, the
agricultural and rural sector has seen substantial change in
transfer policies which now place greater emphasis on
improved equity and investment. These have been summarized
in the earlier World Bank "Review of the Impact of the
Reform of Agricultural Sector Subsidization (2004), and
"Policy and Investment Priorities for Agricultural and
Rural Development" (2005). Currently, the structural

Oil, Macroeconomics, and Forests : Assessing the Linkages

December, 2013

This article focuses mainly on the five
primary case study countries. For forest impacts, the
concentration is on forest conversion to other land uses and
deforestation, defined as a (temporary or permanent) removal
of trees to less than 10 percent crown cover, which is
similar to the Food and Agricultural Organization's
(FAO's) definition. Selective logging is thus not
deforestation but may degrade forests and enable conversion.

Local Government Taxation Reform in Tanzania : A Poverty and Social Impact Analysis (PSIA), Report on Economic and Sector Work

June, 2012

The 2005 Tanzania poverty and social impact analysis (PSIA) on local government tax reform was designed to examine the intended and unintended consequences on poverty reduction and growth in Tanzania of the tax reforms implemented in June 2003 and 2004. The main elements of the reform were the abolition of the flat rate development levy in 2003 along with nuisance taxes, and the abolition of business license fees for enterprises below a certain size and capping of those fees for larger enterprises in 2004.

Private Solutions for Infrastructure in Lesotho : A Country Framework Report

August, 2013

The report looks at Lesotho, a
predominantly mountainous, land-locked, poor country with a
small population, limited natural resources, and a very
fragile ecology. It has low gross national income, and a
significant poverty level. To ameliorate this condition, the
government has embarked on a pro-poor, growth strategy that
includes public, and private investment in infrastructure.
It explores the level of private participation at this phase

Private Solutions for Infrastructure in Angola : A Country Framework Report

June, 2012

The Country Framework Report (CFR) for
Angola is one of a series of country reviews aimed at
improving the environment for private sector involvement in
infrastructure. The report seeks to assist the Government of
Angola in developing policies, and a framework to promote
private participation in the rebuilding, and development of
the country's infrastructure. Following the years of
conflict, and the resulting damage to the country's

India Earthquake 8th October 2005, Jammu and Kashmir : Preliminary Damage and Needs Assessment

March, 2013

This report provides an assessment of
damages and needs resulting from the earthquake that struck
India on the 8m of October 2005. It provides a preliminary
estimate of the total cost of damage identifies the needs
for reconstruction and discusses strategies and guiding
principles for the implementation for a program of
reconstruction, the whole based on a need to mitigate future
impact of natural disasters through the strengthening of