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Displaying 157 - 168 of 869

Regional Law No. 22 "On some issues of turnover of agricultural land".

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law regulates some relations concerning turnover of agricultural land and land shares in common property. Minimum consolidated land plot shall be equal to 5, 0 ha. Maximum agricultural land plot area that can be owned by a single household or by a single legal person within a single administrative unit shall be twenty percent of total available agricultural land area within the boundaries of a single municipal unit.

Regional Law No. 340 – OZ “On public land valuation”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes the modalities of valuation of the price of public land plots or plots of land with undelimited ownership for the purpose of sale thereof to the owners of edifices and constructions located thereon. The price of the aforesaid plots of land shall be established at 7, 5 percent of cadastre value of the aforesaid land plots.

Ley Nº 13/2015 - Reforma de la Ley Hipotecaria y de la Ley de Catastro Inmobiliario.

Southern Europe

La presente Ley modifica la Ley Hipotecaria aprobada por Decreto de 8 de febrero de 1946, y la Ley de Catastro Inmobiliario, cuyo texto refundido fue aprobado por Real Decreto Legislativo Nº 1/2004, en relación a la necesidad de resolver las duplicidades administrativas entre el Catastro Inmobiliario y el Registro de la Propiedad, que son instituciones de naturaleza y competencias diferenciadas que, no obstante, recaen sobre un mismo ámbito: la realidad inmobiliaria.

Ley Hipotecaria. Texto refundido.

Southern Europe

La presente Ley Hipotecaria norma el derecho hipotecario, cuya finalidad es la armonización de los asientos del Registro de la Propiedad. El Registro de la Propiedad tiene por objeto la inscripción o anotación de los actos y contratos relativos al dominio y demás derechos reales sobre bienes inmuebles. Las expresadas inscripciones o anotaciones se harán en el Registro en cuya circunscripción territorial radiquen los inmuebles.

Enmendado por: Ley Nº 13/2015 - Reforma de la Ley Hipotecaria y de la Ley de Catastro Inmobiliario. (2015-06-24)

Sultani Decree No.5/80 promulgating the Lands Law of 1980.

Western Asia

This Decree consisting of 31 articles divided in V Sections aims at regulating land ownership in Oman and guarantying lands rights to the Omani population. It states that all land in the country is the property of the State, unless specified otherwise. The Law permits Omani nationals to enjoy the benefits of owning land on freehold and leasehold bases.

Land Rights Policy.

National Policies
Western Africa

The Land Rights Policy is a national sectoral policy that provides the Land Commission’s policy recommendations for land rights in Liberia, centred on four basic types of rights: public land, Government land, customary land, and private land. In addition, a Protected Area is defined as a land which may fall under the Government Land, customary land, or private land categories, but which must be conserved for the benefit of all Liberians. The Policy will form the basis of a new land rights law, and will require substantial changes to the existing legal framework.

Law amending the Law declaring the part of the mountain Konjuh as protected landscape ''Konjuh''.

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Southern Europe

This Law amends various provisions part of the Law declaring the part of the mountain Konjuh as protected landscape ''Konjuh'' (Official Gazette of the Tuzla Canton 13/2009).Major changes are regarding the official boundaries and physical limits of the protect ted area, and other specific provisions related to the concessions and use of the land.

Amends: Law declaring the part of the mountain Konjuh as protected landscape ''Konjuh''. (2009-11-09)

Regional Law No. 1736 “Land Code”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes purposeful use of land and lays down legal grounds for land tenure and land management for specific purposes. It classifies land into the following categories: (a) agricultural land; (b) urban land; (c) industry, energy, communication land; (d) protected areas; (e) land of forest fund; (f) land of waterbodies; and (g) reserve land. Land ownership right shall be subject to mandatory state registration. Regional land can pertain to private, public, municipal and other types of ownership. Agricultural land shall be subject to natural-agricultural zoning.

Land Acquisition Ordinance (Cap. 09.07).

Turks and Caicos Islands

This Ordinance concerns acquisition of land by the State for public purposes, appeal and other proceedings related to (intended) acquisition and compensation for loss of property resulting from such acquisition. The Ordinance also concerns temporary occupation of land. The Ordinance defines" public purpose". The Governor may order a preliminary investigation on the land designated for acquisition. Appeal against decisions may be made to the court.

Institutional options for managing rangelands

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2003

This brief considers the benefits and costs of alternative tenure and institutional arrangements and the impact of existing legal and policy frameworks on the sustainability and equity of pastoral production systems under three categories of landownership: (1) state ownership; (2) individual ownership; and (3) common property... Achieving efficient, equitable, and sustainable rangeland management depends on the costs and benefits of alternative systems. These costs and benefits, in turn, depend on agroecological, sociocultural, and economic characteristics.

The exclusion of urban poor communities from systematic land registration in Phnom Penh

Reports & Research
November, 2015

This study explores the reasons behind the government’s exclusion of many Phnom Penh urban poor communities (UPCs) from the Systematic Land Registration (SLR) process, and the impact of this on affected households, particularly women and children. The study was conducted in 12 UPCs that had been excluded from the SLR process in six khans where SLR had been completed or was well under way. Data collection methods included interviews with 60 households from excluded UPCs, as well as village chiefs, community representatives, government officials, and NGO members.