Gender Issues in Land Tenure
Meeting symbol/code: SDW-801 3
The culture of access to mountain natural resources
This study investigates the political and contentious nature of access to mountain natural resources by poor, disadvantaged and marginalized people, including women and youth, and the policy processes associated with access and development over time. This study has been commissioned by FAO to look at sustainable livelihoods approaches to access to natural resources in mountain areas. We concentrate on access by poorer and marginalized groups to policy processes whereby long-term sustainable access to resources is achieved.
Режим землевладения и развитие сельских районов
Это руководство по владения и развития сельских районов земельной был подготовлен с целью ознакомить читателей с основными вопросами в землевладения, особенно в связи с отсутствием продовольственной безопасности и развития сельских районов ситуаций. вопросы землевладения часто игнорируются в интервенции сельских АЗВИТИЕ, с часто долговечные отрицательные результаты. Анализ того, как работает землевладения на практике - о чем свидетельствует, кто имеет какой тип доступа к земле и при каких условиях - имеет важное значение.
Selected species and strategies to enhance income generation from Amazonian forests
IXe Congrès forestier mondial Mexico 1985
Le prsent numro d'Unasylva est une introduction au congrs. Il ne contient pas les documents qui seront prsents Mexico, mais un entretien avec M. Edouard Saouma, Directeur gnral de la FAO, et cinq articles qui, on l'espre, constitueront une toile de fond utile pour le congrs. Les sujets de ces articles - la foresterie au-del de l'an 2000, l'agriculture itinrante, l'agroforesterie, la foresterie communautaire et l'aspect social des contrats d'exploitation forestire - ne couvrent nullement l'ensemble des thmes qui seront traits Mexico.
Management and utilization of the tropical moist forest - from the FAO Committee on forest development in the tropics - extracts
This special issue of Unasylva has two main objectives. It brings to our readers an edited selection of some of the position papers of the important 4th Session of the FAO Committee on Forestry Development in the Tropics and, in doing, this, it emphasizes FAO's principal concern in the field of forestry: how to make the best and wisest use of man's least understood ecological formation, the moist tropical forest.
Community-based Forest Resource Conflict Management: Vol.1
This training package examines conflict within forest resource use and community-based forest management and offers strategies for managing it. It aims to support diverse and multiple forest user groups to manage conflicts that inevitably arise in the protection, use and control of forest resources. It has been prepared primarily for trainers who help people and organizations that work collaboratively in community forestry.