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Displaying 829 - 840 of 2109

Incorporating Energy Cycle Externality Costs and Benefits in India's Power System Planning Mechanisms

June, 2012

The power sector in India plays a
fundamental role in the economic development process. The
country faces formidable challenges in meeting its energy
needs in an environmentally sustainable manner and at
reasonable costs. The planning and operation of the sector
has hitherto been conducted without due regard to the
environmental consequences. As a result, additions to
capacity in recent years have been sub-optimal. Moreover

Inequality in Latin America : Breaking with History?

August, 2013
Latin America and the Caribbean

With the exception of Sub-Saharan
Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean has been one of the
regions of the world with the greatest inequality. This
report explores why the region suffers from such persistent
inequality, identifies how it hampers development, and
suggests ways to achieve greater equity in the distribution
of wealth, incomes and opportunities. The study draws on
data from 20 countries based on household surveys covering

Brazil - São Paulo : Inputs for a Sustainable Competitive City Strategy, Volume 2. Background Report

June, 2012

Through an analysis of selected topics,
this study aims to offer inputs for a successful recovery
strategy for the city and the metropolitan region of Sao
Paulo (MSRP) in Brazil. The study first presents an analysis
of the underlying factors of the economic transition in the
MRSP, highlighting the factors behind the recent performance
of the MRSP in terms of job creation and growth. Then, four
inputs that would lead to a 'recovery strategy'

Drivers of Sustainable Rural Growth and Poverty Reduction in Central America : Honduras Case Study, Volume 1. Executive Summary and Main Text

July, 2013
Central America

This regional study encompasses three
Central American countries: Nicaragua, Guatemala, and
Honduras. The focus of this report is Honduras. The
objective of the study is to understand how broad-based
economic growth can be stimulated and sustained in rural
Central America. The study identifies "drivers" of
sustainable rural growth and poverty reduction. Drivers are
defined as the assets and combinations of assets needed by

Ethiopia - Accelerating Equitable Growth : Country Economic Memorandum, Volume 1. Overview

June, 2012

This report presents an update on the
economic challenges facing Ethiopia with a focus on the
shared goal of accelerating equitable growth. The starting
point is the Government's own Plan for Accelerated and
Sustained Development to End Poverty (PASDEP), which is in
the process of finalization, and is designed to cover the
period 2005-2010. This report proposes that the growth
strategy should more explicitly adopt a

How Endowments, Accumulations, and Choice Determine the Geography of Agricultural Productivity in Ecuador

December, 2013

Spatial disparity in incomes and
productivity is apparent across and within countries. Most
studies of the determinants of such differences focus on
cross-country comparisons or location choice among firms.
Less studied are the large differences in agricultural
productivity within countries related to concentrations of
rural poverty. For policy, understanding the determinants of
this geography of agricultural productivity is important,

India Earthquake 8th October 2005, Jammu and Kashmir : Preliminary Damage and Needs Assessment

March, 2013

This report provides an assessment of
damages and needs resulting from the earthquake that struck
India on the 8m of October 2005. It provides a preliminary
estimate of the total cost of damage identifies the needs
for reconstruction and discusses strategies and guiding
principles for the implementation for a program of
reconstruction, the whole based on a need to mitigate future
impact of natural disasters through the strengthening of

Turkey : Economic Reform and Accession to the European Union

June, 2012

This volume analyzes the economic
challenges confronting Turkey in its quest to accede to the
European Union (EU). It focuses on the extent to which
Turkey is ready to join the Single Market, comply with the
EU's body of economic regulations and directives, the
Acquis Communautaire, and meet the Maastricht criteria for
fiscal, monetary, and exchange rate policies. This book
also provides an assessment of Turkey's national

The Impact of Property Rights on Households' Investment, Risk Coping, and Policy Preferences : Evidence from China

August, 2014

Even though it is widely recognized that
giving farmers more secure land rights may increase
agricultural investment, scholars contend that, in the case
of China, such a policy might undermine the function of land
as a social safety net and, as a consequence, not be
sustainable or command broad support. Data from three
provinces, one of which had adopted a policy to increase
security of tenure in advance of the others, suggest that

The Investment Climate in South Asia : Volume 1

March, 2013
Southern Asia

This report summarizes the findings of
Investment Climate Assessments (ICAs) carried out for all
countries in the South Asia region. It compares South Asian
countries to countries in other regions, analyzes
similarities and differences within the region, and
identifies the way forward in improving the investment
climate. The first volume analyzes similarities and
differences within the region and between South Asia and the

Where is the Wealth of Nations? Measuring Capital for the 21st Century

June, 2012

The book presents estimates of total
wealth for nearly 120 countries, using economic theory to
decompose the wealth of a nation into its component pieces:
produced capital, natural resources and human resources. The
wealth estimates aims to provide a unique opportunity to
look at economic management from a broader and comprehensive
perspective. The book's basic tenet is that economic
development can be conceived as a process of portfolio

Service Delivery and Decentralization in Sri Lanka : Assessment and Options

August, 2014
Sri Lanka

This report assesses Sri Lanka's
experience with decentralization to date and discusses
options for decentralization and implications for service
delivery in three sectors: roads, solid waste and health.
The selected sectors illustrate the considerations relevant
to the decentralization decision and its future direction.
The services selected cover a range of central, provincial
and local responsibilities in delivery and illustrate how