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Displaying 697 - 708 of 2109

Women, Business and the Law 2010 : Measuring Legal Gender Parity for Entrepreneurs and Workers in 128 Economies

September, 2014

This report presents indicators based
on laws and regulations affecting women's prospects as
entrepreneurs and employees. Several of these indicators
draw on the Gender Law Library, a collection of over 2,000
legal provisions impacting women's economic status.
Both resources can inform research and policy discussions on
how to improve women's economic opportunities and
outcomes. The six indicators of gender differences in formal

Doing Business in Zanzibar 2010

May, 2013

Doing Business in Zanzibar 2010 is a new subnational report of the Doing Business series on the sub-Saharan African region, following the subnational Doing Business reports on Nigeria and Kenya. It measures business regulations and their enforcement in the region of Zanzibar, represented by Zanzibar Town. Doing Business series currently covers 183 economies around the world.

Family Systems, Political systems, and Asia’s ‘Missing Girls’ : The Construction of Son Preference and Its Unraveling

March, 2012

Son preference is known to be found in
certain types of cultures, that is patrilineal cultures. But
what explains the fact that China, South Korea, and
Northwest India manifest such extreme child sex ratios
compared with other patrilineal societies? This paper argues
that what makes these societies unique is that their
pre-modern political and administrative systems used
patrilineages to organize and administer their citizens. The

The Philippines : Toward a Better Investment Climate for Growth and Productivity

March, 2015

This working paper concerns the growth
of investment climate in the Philippines. There are several
resounding ideas in areas both positive and negative. The
growth potential in the Philippines is considerable. The
country has significant natural resources; a large pool of
managerial and entrepreneurial talent; and widespread
proficiency in English. The Government's Medium Term
Development Plan (MTDP), 2005-2010 sets ambitious growth and

Financial Sector Assessment : Burundi

September, 2013

The financial sector, dominated by the
banks, is vulnerable to external shocks. The country is
exposed to terms of trade shocks mainly from coffee and oil
prices, which could impact banks through real sector
effects. The banking system is also vulnerable to a decline
in external assistance which funds nearly half of the
government on which a large share of the economy depends.
Burundi has not been directly affected by the international

China Urbanizes : Consequences, Strategies, and Policies

May, 2012

Rural-urban migration is playing an
increasingly important role in shaping the economic and
demographic landscape of Chinese cities. Over the past two
decades, China has transformed itself from a relatively
immobile society to one in which more than 10 percent of the
population are migrants. China's mobility rate is still
low compared with that of advanced industrial economies, the
sheer size of the migrant flows and their dramatic economic

The Global Opportunity in IT-Based
Services : Assessing and Enhancing Country Competitiveness

March, 2012

This book aims to help policy makers
take advantage of the opportunities presented by increased
cross-border trade in information technology (IT) services
and IT-enabled services (ITES). It begins by defining the
two industries and estimating the potential global market
opportunities for trade in each. Then it discusses economic
and other benefits for countries that succeed in these
areas, along with factors crucial to the competitiveness of

Mainstreaming Environment and Climate Change in the Implementation of Poverty Reduction Strategies

May, 2014

Poverty reduction strategies (PRSs)
provide a central framework for macroeconomic, structural,
and social policies in developing countries. Because of the
numerous and complex links between environment and poverty,
it is important that environmental issues are taken into
account in the PRS process. This paper follows six previous
assessments of the degree of mainstreaming environment in
the PRS process using a similar methodology to present

Gender and Economic Growth in Tanzania : Creating Opportunities for Women

June, 2012

The World Bank Group recognizes the
critical importance of women's contribution to shared
economic growth, especially in Africa. Women's
important contribution to economic activity in Tanzania is
well recognized: In the 2006 World Economic Forum Global
Gender Gap report Tanzania was ranked number 1 globally, out
of 115 countries, in terms of women's economic
participation. This paper includes the following headings:

Investing across Borders with Heterogeneous Firms : Do FDI-Specific Regulations Matter?

March, 2012

This paper revisits the institutional
determinants of foreign direct investment (FDI) using a
comprehensive new data set on the regulations that govern
FDI in more than 80 countries. It exploits the presence of
confirmed zero investment flows between countries to
estimate productivity cut-offs of firms that invest abroad
profitably. This approach corrects likely biases arising
from firm heterogeneity and country selection in a

How Do Local-Level Legal Institutions Promote Development? An Exploratory Essay

April, 2014

This paper develops a framework and some
hypotheses regarding the impact of local-level, informal
legal institutions on three economic outcomes: aggregate
growth, inequality, and human capabilities. It presents a
set of stylized differences between formal and informal
legal justice systems, identifies the pathways through which
formal systems promote economic outcomes, reflects on what
the stylized differences mean for the potential impact of

The Global Financial and Economic Crisis : Transmission Channels and Policy Response in the Arab world

August, 2012

Global and economic aspects of the
crisis: two aspects of the current crisis are important to
stress. The first is its global nature. As you know, this
crisis started last year in the US and European financial
markets but spread quickly to developing countries. The
second is its economic impact. Before the crisis erupted,
many countries, and many developing countries in particular,
were already suffering from the impact of very substantial