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Displaying 433 - 444 of 2109

Striving for Business Success : Voices of Liberian Women Entrepreneurs

December, 2014

Women in post-conflict economies face a
number of challenges. Often their businesses stay at
embryonic stages only, due to three key limitations relating
to: knowledge of business vision and management; access to
finance and markets; and access to role models and networks.
Added to the complexity is the risk of having to start all
over again due to their countriesapos; political instability
and the limited infrastructure to make their businesses

Doing Business 2014 Economy Profile : Denmark

June, 2014

This economy profile presents the Doing
Business indicators for Denmark. In a series of annual
reports, Doing Business assesses regulations affecting
domestic firms in 189 economies and ranks the economies in
10 areas of business regulation, such as starting a
business, resolving insolvency and trading across borders.
This year's report data cover regulations measured from
June 2012 through May 2013. The report is the 11th edition

Trade Facilitation, Value Creation, and Competiveness : Policy Implications for Vietnam's Economic Growth, Volume 1

February, 2014

This report explores the role of trade
facilitation and logistics in driving export and ultimately
national competitiveness. It posits that this area of trade
consists of three interrelated pillars: (i) transport
infrastructure and logistics services; (ii) regulatory
procedures for exports and imports; and (iii) supply chain
organization. Transport infrastructure and logistics
services relate to the physical aspects of trade flows.

Outcomes, Opportunity and Development : Why Unequal Opportunities and Not Outcomes Hinder Economic Development

February, 2015

This paper studies the relationship
between inequality of opportunity and development outcomes
in a cross-country setting. Scholars have long debated the
impact of inequality on growth, development, and the quality
of institutions in a society. The empirical relationships
are however confounded by the notion that
"inequality" can be seen as a composite of
inequality arising from differences in effort and ability,

Doing Business 2014 Economy Profile : Iraq

June, 2014

This economy profile presents the Doing
Business indicators for Iraq. In a series of annual reports,
Doing Business assesses regulations affecting domestic firms
in 189 economies and ranks the economies in 10 areas of
business regulation, such as starting a business, resolving
insolvency and trading across borders. This year's
report data cover regulations measured from June 2012
through May 2013. The report is the 11th edition of the

Beyond Oil : Kazakhstan's Path to Greater Prosperity through Diversifying, Volume 2. Main Report

January, 2014

Kazakhstan aspires to become one of the
world s 30 most developed economies by 2050. The focus is on
laying the basis for the accelerated diversification of the
economy through industrialization and infrastructure
development, including enhancing human capital to drive
innovation and economic efficiency. This country economic
memorandum report adopts an analytical framework that looks
into options that will be explored to help authorities think

Women's Legal Rights over 50 Years : Progress, Stagnation or Regression?

February, 2015

Using a newly compiled database of
women's property rights and legal capacity covering 100
countries over 50 years, this paper analyzes the triggers
and barriers to reform. The database documents gender gaps
in the ability to access and own assets, to sign legal
documents in one's own name, and to have equality or
non-discrimination as a guiding principle of the
country's constitution. Progress in reducing these

Doing Business 2014 Economy Profile : Palau

June, 2014

This economy profile presents the Doing
Business indicators for Palau. In a series of annual
reports, Doing Business assesses regulations affecting
domestic firms in 189 economies and ranks the economies in
10 areas of business regulation, such as starting a
business, resolving insolvency and trading across borders.
This year's report data cover regulations measured from
June 2012 through May 2013. The report is the 11th edition

Strengthening Economic Rights and Women's Occupational Choice : The Impact of Reforming Ethiopia's Family Law

February, 2014

This paper evaluates the impact of
strengthening legal rights on the types of economic
opportunities that are pursued. Ethiopia changed its family
law, requiring both spouses' consent in the
administration of marital property, removing the ability of
a spouse to deny permission for the other to work outside
the home, and raising women's minimum age of marriage.
Thus both access to resources and the removal of

Guinea-Bissau Country Economic Memorandum : Terra Ranca! A Fresh Start, Summary

March, 2015

After decades of turmoil and
instability, a period of calm and progress evolved in
Guinea-Bissau in 2009. A military coup in April 2012
interrupted it. A fresh start is needed to alter the
dynamics that kept Guinea-Bissau poor. In 2013, Gross
National Income per capita was US$590. Average economic
growth barely kept pace with population growth. In 2010,
poverty at the national poverty line of US$2 a day was 70

Rental Housing : Lessons from International Experience and Policies for Emerging Markets

April, 2013

This book rental housing lessons from
international experience and policies for emerging market
is an effort to bring rental housing to the forefront of the
housing agenda of countries around the world and to provide
general guidance for policy makers whose actions can have an
effect on where and how people live. It warns of the
challenges they face and provides guidelines on how to
develop or redevelop a sound rental sector. it can enable

What is the Cost of a Bowl of Rice? : The Impact of Sri Lanka's Current Trade and Price Policies on the Incentive Framework for Agriculture

June, 2014

Since 2004, Sri Lanka has pursued inward
looking policies that have encouraged import substitution,
especially with respect to agricultural commodities. This
report provides empirical evidence to inform the policy
dialogue over the impact of current trade and price policies
on the incentive framework for agriculture in Sri Lanka.
This analysis provides a quantitative assessments of: (1)
the level of support to farmers producing import-competing