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Displaying 313 - 324 of 2109

Country Partnership Framework for Azerbaijan for the Period FY16-FY20

November, 2015

The country partnership framework (CPF)
for Azerbaijan covering the period FY2016-20, sets out the
World Bank Group (WBG) support to the country on its path
toward a sustainable, inclusive, and private sector-led
growth underpinned by a diversified asset base. The
country’s strategic goals are laid out in its development
strategy - Azerbaijan 2020: vision for the future and other
strategic documents that aim at reducing Azerbaijan’s

Inheritance Law Reform, Empowerment, and Human Capital Accumulation : Second-Generation Effects from India

December, 2014

This paper uses evidence from three
Indian states, one of which amended inheritance legislation
in 1994, to assess first- and second-generation effects of
inheritance reform using a triple-difference strategy.
Second-generation effects on education, time use, and health
are larger and more significant than first-generation
effects even controlling for mothers' endowments.
Improved access to bank accounts and sanitation as well as

Do Poverty Traps Exist?

April, 2014

This paper reviews the empirical
evidence on the existence of poverty traps, understood as
self-reinforcing mechanisms through which poor individuals
or countries remain poor. Poverty traps have captured the
interest of many development policy makers, because poverty
traps provide a theoretically coherent explanation for
persistent poverty. They also suggest that temporary policy
interventions may have long-term effects on poverty.

Country Partnership Framework for Albania 2015-2019

November, 2015

This Country Partnership Framework (CPF)
sets out the World Bank Group (WBG) program for Albania for
the period FY15-19, aimed at supporting Albanias aspiration
to achieve equitable growth and integration into the
European Union. Albania emerged from the collapse of
isolationist communism in the early 1990s as one of the
poorest countries in Europe. The country then experienced
rapid growth of nearly 6 percent per annum, rising into the

Cooperative Behavior and Common Pool Resources

July, 2015

This paper examines whether cooperative
behavior by respondents measured as contributions in a
one-shot public goods game correlates with reported
pro-forest collective action behaviors. All the outcomes
analyzed are costly in terms of time, land, or money. The
study finds significant evidence that more cooperative
individuals (or those who believe their group members will
cooperate) engage in collective action behaviors that

Tourism in Africa : Harnessing Tourism for Growth and Improved Livelihoods

June, 2014

This report is the first to examine
tourism in Africa comprehensively and regionally and the
first to recommend practical, evidence-based measures
enabling the sector s economic and development power. This
gives new impetus to the continent s development progress by
leveraging tourism in pursuit of lasting poverty alleviation
and the creation of significantly more jobs and
opportunities for all Africans.

The Political Economy of Decision-Making in Forestry

January, 2016

The use of the phrase, ‘political
economy’ originates in Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations and is
also found in the writings of David Ricardo and Karl Marx.
What is presently understood as ‘economics’ was, at that
time, termed ‘political economy’. This was understood to
mean ‘conditions of production organization in
nation-states’ (Acemoglu and Robinson, 2012, Beuran,
Raballand and Kapoor, 2011). Venerable scholars such as

The Consumption, Income, and Wealth of the Poorest

July, 2015

This paper provides new empirical
insights on the joint distribution of consumption, income,
and wealth in three of the poorest countries in the world —
Malawi, Tanzania, and Uganda — all located in Sub-Saharan
Africa (SSA). The first finding is that while income
inequality is similar to that of the United States (US),
wealth inequality is barely one-third that of the US.
Similarly, while the top of the income distribution (1 and

Building Resilience for Sustainable Development of the Sundarbans : Strategy Report

September, 2014

Recognizing the importance and
uniqueness of the Sundarbans, the United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
declared the Indian portion of the forest a World Heritage
Site in 1987, and the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Program
has included the Sundarbans Biosphere Reserve in the Global
Network of Island and Coastal Biosphere Reserves
Contributing to Action on Climate Change and Sustainable

Drought and Retribution

March, 2016

Although weather shocks are a major
source of income fluctuation, most of the world's poor
lack insurance coverage against them. Absence of formal
insurance contributes to poverty traps, as investment
decisions are conflicted with risk management ones:
risk-averse farmers tend to underinvest and produce lower
yielding yet safer crops. In the past few years, weather
index insurance has gained increasing attention as an

Responding to the Challenge of Fragility and Security in West Africa

August, 2015

The inability to unlock natural resource
wealth for the benefit of developing countries’ local
populations, a phenomenon popularly known as the ‘resource
curse’ or the ‘paradox of plenty’, has spawned extensive
debate among researchers and policy makers in recent years.
There is now a well-established body of literature exploring
the links between natural resources and conflict, with some
sources estimating that over the past 60 years, 40 percent

Building Competitive Green Industries : The Climate and Clean Technology Opportunity for Developing Countries

December, 2014

Climate change will have its largest
impacts on developing countries, with poor populations
particularly hard hit and unable to adequately adapt. There
is an opportunity for developing countries to pursue a
complementary approach, emphasizing building up the
capabilities of local firms to participate in the business
opportunities surrounding climate change. Climate change
therefore represents an opportunity for developing countries