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Displaying 157 - 168 of 2109

El Salvador Country Land Assessment

April, 2014

This study assesses the alignment of
land use, land tenure, and land market outcomes in El
Salvador with public policy aspirations in recent decades
for efficient, inclusive, and environmentally sustainable
development in both urban and rural spaces. In doing so the
study indirectly gauges the effectiveness of land sector
institutions in facilitating such developmental outcomes in
agricultural production, urbanization, and forest

Sustainable Land Management : Challenges, Opportunities, and Trade-offs

June, 2012

Land is the integrating component of all
livelihoods depending on farm, forest, rangeland, or water
(rivers, lakes, coastal marine) habitats. Due to varying
political, social, and economic factors, the heavy use of
natural resources to supply a rapidly growing global
population and economy has resulted in the unintended
mismanagement and degradation of land and ecosystems. This
book provides strategic focus to the implementation of

Brazil Land Governance Assessment

September, 2015

This report on the assessment of land
governance in Brazil summarizes and discusses the results of
a series of standardized self-assessments of the land
governance situation in Brazil, conducted entirely by
Brazilian speakers. Therefore, these findings represent the
perception of local experts based on their experience of
news and data available. The main aim of this report are
federal and state authorities directly involved in land

Missing(ness) in Action : Selectivity Bias in GPS-Based Land Area Measurements

September, 2013

Land area is a fundamental component of
agricultural statistics, and of analyses undertaken by
agricultural economists. While household surveys in
developing countries have traditionally relied on
farmers' own, potentially error-prone, land area
assessments, the availability of affordable and reliable
Global Positioning System (GPS) units has made GPS-based
area measurement a practical alternative. Nonetheless, in an

Land Administration and Management in Ulaanbaater, Mongolia

February, 2015

The City of Ulaanbaatar (UB) is
undergoing a historic transformation toward market-driven
urban development. This growth remains strongly influenced
by city policy decisions that affect the supply and location
of land for public and private uses. Private investment is
concentrated in well-serviced land located in the central
portion of the city and along major transportation
corridors, which represent a small part of the total built

Impact of Costa Rica's Program of Payments for Environmental Services on Land Use

April, 2014

Costa Rica's Program of Payments
for Environmental Services (Pago de Servicios Ambientales,
PSA) provides a unique opportunity to evaluate direct
payments as a conservation policy tool. This paper reports
evidence on how much more forest has been conserved in Costa
Rica as a result of PSA contracts with landowners. Such
evidence requires estimating a counterfactual outcome: how
much forest would have been preserved if there had been no

Analysis of the Impact of Land Tenure Certificates with Both the Names of Wife and Husband in Vietnam

June, 2012

The 2003 land law defines that the Land
Tenure Certificate (LTCs) carries both the wife's and
husband's names. Theoretically, the requirement of both
the wife's and husband's names on the LTCs aims at
enabling the wife to participate more actively in household
economic production for poverty reduction, and to protect
the rights of the woman in the event of civil disputes over
the land that has been provided with a LTCs. A field-based

World Bank Research Digest, Vol. 10(4)

June, 2016

This issue includes the following
headings: Changes in Poverty and Female-Headed Households in
Africa; Growth and Capital Inflows in Africa; Growth and
Capital Inflows in Africa; Vulnerability to Climate Change
in Coastal Bangladesh; Improving Agricultural Data for
Better Policies; Enhancing Transparency of Large-Scale Land
Acquisition; Explaining the Gender Gap in Agricultural
Productivity; Changing Patterns of Growth and Poverty

Investment and Income Effects of Land Regularization : The Case of Nicaragua

September, 2013

The authors use data from Nicaragua to
examine the impact of the award of registered and
nonregistered title on land values and on investments
attached to land. They find that receipt of registered title
increases land values by 30 percent and greatly increases
the propensity to invest, bringing investment closer to the
optimum. Consistent with descriptive statistics indicating
great demand for regularization of land rights, especially

Environmental and Gender Impacts of Land Tenure Regularization in Africa : Pilot evidence from Rwanda

March, 2012

Although increased global demand for
land has led to renewed interest in African land tenure, few
models to address these issues quickly and at the required
scale have been identified or evaluated. The case of
Rwanda's nation-wide and relatively low-cost land
tenure regularization program is thus of great interest.
This paper evaluates the short-term impact (some 2.5 years
after completion) of the pilots undertaken to fine-tune the

The Extractive Industries Sector

August, 2015

The extractive industries (EI) sector occupies an outsize space in the economies of many developing countries. Economists, public finance professionals, and policy makers working in such countries are frequently confronted with issues that require an in-depth understanding of the sector. The objective of this volume is to provide a concise overview of EI-related topics these professionals are likely to encounter.

Implementing Low-Cost Rural Land Certification : The Case of Ethiopia

August, 2012

This report is about implementing
low-cost rural land certification. Prior to 1975,
Ethiopia's land tenure system was complex and
semi-feudal. Tenure was highly insecure, arbitrary evictions
were common, and many lands underutilized. High inequality
of land ownership reduced productivity and investment,
leading to political grievances and eventually the overthrow
of the imperial regime in 1975. The Marxist government that