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Queensland Heritage Act 1992.


This Act provides for the conservation of Queensland’s cultural heritage, it consists of 15 Parts divided into 198 sections. The purposes of the Act are set in Part 1, Part 2 concerns the Queensland Heritage Council, which is a body corporate and does not represent the State. The Act regulates the operation of the Council. Part 3 is dedicated to the heritage register and its maintenance, Part 4 to the registration of places and Part 5 to the registration of archaeological places in Queensland heritage register.

Native Title (Queensland) Act 1993.


This Act concerns the title of native people, Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders, to land in Queensland. It consists of 146 sections and is divided into five Parts. Part 2 is dedicated to validation and its effects, Part 3 concerns the confirmation of certain rights, in particular the ownership of certain natural resources and certain water and fishing access rights and public access to and enjoyment of beaches and certain other places.

Queensland Heritage Regulation, 2003.


This Regulation, consisting of nine sections, implements the Queensland Heritage Act 1992. It specifies the contents of the application procedure for entering a place in the heritage register (sect. 4), the declaration of protected areas (sect. 6), provides the forms to be used under the Act and sets the fees to be paid. The Regulation is completed by three Schedules specifying the protected areas, setting the values of fees under the Act, etc.

Implements: Queensland Heritage Act 1992. (2016-11-22)
Repealed by: Queensland Heritage Regulation 2015. (2017-06-30)

Joint Circular No. 03/2003/TTLT/BTP-BTNMT guiding the order and procedures for registering and supplying information on, mortgage of, and guarantee with, land use right and assets attached to land.

South-Eastern Asia

The Circular disciplines the terms for registering and payment for land tenure, mortgages, guarantees, right of use both by domestic households, families/individuals and foreigners. Furthermore, it indicates the Agencies appointed for registering the mortgages and other contracts, their variations and eventual cancellation.

Decreto Nº 180/03 - Ley de ordenamiento territorial.

Central America

La presente Ley establece que el ordenamiento territorial constituye una política de Estado que, incorporándolo a la planificación nacional, promueve la gestión integral, estratégica y eficiente de todos los recursos de la nación. Se crea el Consejo Nacional de Ordenamiento Territorial (CONOT) con la finalidad e proponer, concertar y dar seguimiento a las políticas y planes en materia de ordenamiento territorial.

Implementado por: Acuerdo Nº 25/04 - Reglamento general de la Ley de ordenamiento territorial. (2004-08-02)

Ley Nº 37 - Código Agrario.

Central America

El Código Agrario tiene como objetivo fundamental la reforma agraria integral y la abolición del acaparamiento de tierra inculta u ociosa o con fines especulativos.

Enmendado por: Ley Nº 68 - Establece la titulación conjunta como forma de adquirir la tierra. (2001-12-19)
Enmendado por: Ley Nº 38 - Ley de Asociaciones Cooperativas. (1980-10-22)
Enmendado por: Ley Nº 55 - Código Agrario de la República de Panamá. (2011-05-23)

Décret nº 2003-1550 fixant les modalités de la tenue du registre des droits réels grevant les constructions, ouvrages et équipement fixes édifiés sur le domaine public des ports de pêches.

Northern Africa

Le présent décret fixe les modalités de la tenue du registre des droits réels grevant les constructions, ouvrages et équipement fixes édifiés sur le domaine public des ports de pêches.

Met en oeuvre: Loi nº 2002-47 relative aux ports de pêche. (2002-05-14)

Land Register Act.

Northern Europe

The Land Register Act provides for the procedure for maintenance of land registers. Land registers shall be maintained in written proceedings unless otherwise provided by this Act. Land registry departments of county and city courts shall maintain land registers. A land registry department shall maintain the land register concerning registered immovables located in the land registry jurisdiction of that land registry department. A land registry jurisdiction is the jurisdiction of the corresponding county or city court. Exceptions may be made by a regulation of the Minister of Justice.

Décret nº 2004-329 relatif aux modalités d'application des dispositions de l'article 55 du Code des ports maritimes de commerce et notamment les conditions d'occupation temporaire du domaine public des ports maritimes de commerce.

Northern Africa

Le présent décret fixe les modalités d'application des dispositions de l'article 55 du Code des ports maritimes de commerce et notamment les conditions d'occupation temporaire du domaine public des ports maritimes de commerce. Une autorisation d'occupation temporaire doit être délivrée par le président -directeur général de l'office de la marine amrchande et des ports sur proposition du directeur du port concerné.

Land Titles Act (R.S.O. 1990, c. L.5)

Northern America

This Act concerns the land titles in Ontario, it consists of 172 sections and is divided into eleven parts. Part I contains preliminary provisions, i.e. definitions and administration of the Act. Part II covers organization and administration, provisions are grouped under three titles: application of the Act, officers and authority of officers. Part III is dedicated to the jurisdiction of the court and appealing procedures.