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Displaying 169 - 180 of 589

Ukraine - Building Foundations for Sustainable Growth : A Country Economic Memorandum

July, 2013

Favorable economic conditions offer a
window of opportunity for the Ukrainian government External
factors served as a catalyst for the economic turnaround but
policies and reforms have also played a critical role.
Nevertheless, the positive trends will weaken without vision
at the top level of government. An "insider
economy" threatens to become a primary obstacle to
Ukraine's future development and also weakens the link

Sri Lanka - Reshaping Economic Geography : Connecting People to Prosperity

February, 2015
Sri Lanka

Economic progress is accompanied by a
fundamental spatial transformation where the economic
landscapes of countries become increasingly uneven. The
journey from low incomes to high incomes involves rising
concentration of prosperity in a few places. Connecting
people to prosperity - is the principle behind economic
integration policies that can help countries reap the
benefits of both uneven growth and inclusive development.

Growth Challenges and Government Policies in Armenia

Reports & Research
February, 2002

This report reviews growth trends in
Armenia for the period 1994-2000, outlines major weaknesses
of existing development patterns, and suggests a package of
policy recommendations designed to accelerate enterprise
restructuring, attract investment, and encourage the
creation of new businesses in the medium term (three to five
years). Such steps are needed to sustain (and preferably to
increase) the current growth rates, to stop emigration among

Rural Poverty Alleviation in Brazil : Towards an Integrated Strategy, Volume 1. Policy Summary

August, 2013

This report finalized in March 2001
constitutes a step toward the objective of designing an
integrated strategy for rural poverty reduction in Brazil,
The report contains an updated and more detailed profile of
the rural poor in the northeast (NE) and southeast (SE) of
Brazil; identifies key determinants of rural poverty in
these regions; and proposes a five-pronged strategic
framework in which to couch a set of integrated policies

Rural Poverty Alleviation in Brazil : Towards an Integrated Strategy, Volume 2. Technical Papers

August, 2013

This report finalized in March 2001
constitutes a step toward the objective of designing an
integrated strategy for rural poverty reduction in Brazil,
The report contains an updated and more detailed profile of
the rural poor in the northeast (NE) and southeast (SE) of
Brazil; identifies key determinants of rural poverty in
these regions; and proposes a five-pronged strategic
framework in which to couch a set of integrated policies

Philippines : Poverty Assessment, Volume 1. Main Report

August, 2013

This report is intended as an input into
the Philippine Government's poverty eradication
strategy. The report aims to update our understanding of the
nature of poverty and the recent progress in poverty
reduction in the Philippines. It examines the extent to
which growth in the nineties has translated into poverty
reduction and analyzes how well publicly-provided social
services reach the poor and whether redistributive policies

Is the Emerging Nonfarm Market Economy the Route Out of Poverty in Vietnam?

August, 2014

Are the household characteristics that
are good for transition to a more diversified
market-oriented development process in Vietnam also
important for reducing poverty? Or are there tradeoffs? The
determinants of both poverty incidence and participation in
rural off-farm activities are modeled as functions of
household and community characteristics using comprehensive
national household surveys for 1993 and 1998. Despite some

Armenia : Growth Challenges and Government Policies, Volume 1. Main Conclusions and Recommendations

August, 2013

This report reviews growth trends in
Armenia for the period 1994-2000, outlines major weaknesses
of existing development patterns, and suggests a package of
policy recommendations designed to accelerate enterprise
restructuring, attract investment, and encourage the
creation of new businesses in the medium term (three to five
years). Such steps are needed to systain (and preferably to
increase) the current growth rates, to stop emigration among

How Urban Concentration Affects Economic Growth

June, 2014

The author explores the issue of urban
over-concentration econometrically, using data from a panel
of 80 to 100 countries every 5 years from 1960 to 1995. He
finds the following: 1) At any level of development there is
indeed a best degree or national urban concentration. It
increases sharply as income rises, up to a per capita income
of about $ 5,000 (Penn World table purchasing parity
income), before declining modestly. The best degree of

Managing Urban Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa

August, 2012
Sub-Saharan Africa

This article addresses the problems of
governance in municipalities in Africa. The concern has been
to adapt traditional systems of governance to the needs of
modern urban management. This article investigates the need
for a new analysis of the twin problems of urban land and
urban management in sub-Saharan Africa. This need is based
on the apparent paradox between the dynamic, city-creating
activities of civil societies in all of these countries, and

To Buy or Lease? Farm Revival in Eastern and Central Europe

August, 2012

Buying, selling and mortgaging farmland
are still rare in Eastern and Central Europe. Not
surprisingly, given the level of risk in many of these
countries, short-term transactions, especially leasing, are
more common. These short-term transactions do almost as well
as land sales in allocating resources. Making them more
secure by improving simple registration and enforcement
systems and increasing public access to information on what

Philippines : Poverty Assessment, Volume 2. Methodology

August, 2013

This report is intended as an input into
the Philippine Government's poverty eradication
strategy. The report aims to update our understanding of the
nature of poverty and the recent progress in poverty
reduction in the Philippines. It examines the extent to
which growth in the nineties has translated into poverty
reduction and analyzes how well publicly-provided social
services reach the poor and whether redistributive policies