Microbial biomass, microbial activity, and carbon pools under different land-use systems in the Brazilian cerrados
In the Brazilian savannas, or Cerrados the rapid advance in agriculture and cattle ranching is affecting soils through, for example, accelerated erosion and depletion of soil organic matter (SOM). Changes in soil microbial biomass are good indicators of changes in SOM. We therefore assessed the effects of agricultural and pastoral use of a clayey Oxisol in the Cerrados on soil microbial biomass, and evaluated the usefulness of this parameter in studying SOM dynamics in savanna ecosystems.
Modeling and scenarios of ecosystem services in the Volta Basin: Tradeoffs and plausible interventions to enhance resilience
Menunggang badai: untaian kehidupan, tradisi dan kreasi aktor mebel Jepara
Perdagangan mebel dunia berkembang sangat pesat dan mencapai hampir 1,4 milyar dolar AS pada tahun 2010. Mebel dari kayu jati dan mahoni paling diminati di dunia karena alasan kekuatan dan estetika, dan Indonesia sebagai salah satu pemasok terbesar dunia, sangat berkepentingan dengan keberlanjutan industri mebel ini karena penyerapan tenaga kerja yang besar, teknologi yang relatif dikuasai, dan bernilai ekonomi tinggi.
Messages from the Ganges Basin Development Challenge: Unlocking the Production Potential of the Polders of the Coastal Zone of Bangladesh through Water Management Investment and Reform
The coastal polders of Bangladesh are characterized by extremes in terms of both challenges and opportunities. The polders are home to about 8 million people, where 85% of rural householders live under the national poverty line. The polders are subjected to flooding during the rainy season; drought and salinity during the dry season, and cyclones. In addition, the impacts of climate change, especially sea level rise, will be most severe in this region.