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Displaying 3637 - 3648 of 6741

Land consolidation as a tool for its successful management

Conference Papers & Reports
December, 2013

As a result of the Land Reform, property forming and land market, farm areas were often built up from a number of land plots (up to 20), sometimes with unfavourable order. With the rural development and stabilization of farm production, the role and tasks of rational territory organization are expected to increase significantly in the area. It can be forecasted that, as a result of land rent and further purchase and sell, and other transactions, many new farmland properties are expected to appear that will not correspond to the requirements of rational territorial organization.

Land preservation in British Columbia: An empirical analysis of the factors underlying public support and willingness to pay

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2008

This study extends previous empirical research on land preservation by considering an actual land preservation scheme, the agricultural land reserve in British Columbia, Canada. The reserve was established in 1973 to ensure that development did not occur on the province's most productive agricultural land. 'To ensure that local food production is maintained,' 'the economic importance of British Columbia's agricultural sector,' and 'to protect the environment' are the most important factors that underlie support for the reserve.

Land cover changes in an abandoned agricultural land in the Northern Apennine (Italy) between 1954 and 2008: Spatio-temporal dynamics

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2015

We report the spatio-temporal dynamics of land cover changes from 1954 to 2008 in a hilly mountainous area in the Italian northern Apennine, and ecological factors and processes associated with these dynamics. Land cover patches were mapped and analysed at three time periods (1954, 1980 and 2008). Changes over time were detected by analysing a combination of multitemporal source data from airborne images and from field surveys. Relationships between cover classes and environmental variables were analysed for the year 2008.

Applying ecologically based invasive-plant management

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2010

The need for a unified mechanistic ecological framework that improves our ability to make decisions, predicts vegetation change, guides the implementation of restoration, and fosters learning is substantial and unmet. It is becoming increasingly clear that integrating various types of ecological models into an overall framework has great promise for assisting decision making in invasive-plant management and restoration.

Molecular and functional responses of soil microbial communities under grassland restoration

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2008

The influence of ageing grassland on microbial community structure in different long-term grassland regimes compared to tillage in neighbouring fields was investigated to evaluate whether grassland restoration can be considered as a specific type of management for soil conservation in northern France. Microbial community structure was examined by analyzing the distribution of total and labile organic matter, the size of bacterial and fungal populations, and bacterial metabolic fingerprints and fungal genetic fingerprints.

multi-site study to classify semi-natural grassland types

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2009

Calibration and validation of simulation models describing herbage growth or feed quality of semi-natural grasslands is a complex task for agronomists without investing effort into botanical surveys. To facilitate such modelling efforts, a limited number of grassland types were identified using a functional classification of species. These grassland types were characterized by three descriptors required to model herbage growth or feed quality: the abundance-weighted mean leaf dry matter content across grass species, the relative abundance of grasses, and an estimate of species richness.

Agricultural landscape change in China's Yangtze Delta, 1942-2002: A case study

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2009

Over the past 60 years, China's ancient agricultural village landscapes have been transformed by unprecedented changes in rural policy, population and agricultural technology. The village landscapes of China's Yangtze Plain are among the most ancient, densely populated and intensively managed in the world and have undergone extremely rapid development in recent decades, causing the wholesale transformation of traditional village landscape structure, primarily at fine spatial scales (

Potential Outcomes and Consequence of a Proposed Grazing Permit Buyout Program

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2007
United States of America

This study investigated the role that a public land grazing permit buyout would have on ranching operations and conserving private land open space in the Rocky Mountain region of the western United States. Loss of grazing permits could serve as a pivotal factor in expediting private land fragmentation if ranching operations are enticed to sell their land due to loss of economic viability.

Assessing the impact of Entry Level Stewardship on lowland farmland birds in England

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2010

Agri-environment schemes (AES) are central to the conservation of Europe's farmland biodiversity. The UK Government's Public Service Agreement target seeks to reverse the decline of farmland birds in England by 2020 through the use of AES. The Entry Level Stewardship (ELS) scheme, introduced in 2005, is the first non-competitive, broad-uptake stewardship scheme designed to deliver simple but effective environmental management on farms throughout England.

Report in Brief: Assessing Botanical Capacity to Address Grand Challenges in the United States

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2015
United States of America

Botanical capacity plays a fundamental role in solving the grand challenges of the next century, including climate change, sustainability, food security, preservation of ecosystem services, conservation of threatened species, and control of invasive species. Yet critical components of botanical education, research, and management are lacking across government, academic, and private sectors.

Erosion modelling approach to simulate the effect of land management options on soil loss by considering catenary soil development and farmers perception

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2008

The prevention of soil erosion is one of the most essential requirements for sustainable agriculture in developing countries. In recent years it is widely recognized that more site-specific approaches are needed to assess variations in erosion susceptibility in order to select the most suitable land management methods for individual hillslope sections. This study quantifies the influence of different land management methods on soil erosion by modelling soil loss for individual soil-landscape units on a hillslope in Southern Uganda.