Lutte contre la dégradation des terres pour la sécurité alimentaire et services écosystémiques des sols en Europe et en Asie centrale – Année internationale des sols 2015
Meeting Name: European Commission on Agriculture
Meeting symbol/code: ECA/39/15/3
Session: Sess. 39
Assessing the Adoptability of Improved Crop Production Technologies by Small Farmers: the Case of Lesotho
In Lesotho, some externally financed agricultural development projects have appeared particularly prone to failure. One reason may be that, when designed, projects have not been subjected to sufficiently rigorous analysis, particularly with regard to expected farmers' response to extension messages.
土壤健康:促进节约与增长的技术 。情况说明 No. 2
农业必须重新审视土壤健康的重要性,利用天然植物营养, 合理施用无机肥,切切实实回归本源。
Land and People in Protracted Crises
This note focuses on the topic of access to land and land governance in protracted crises, providing some possible solutions illustrated by case studies from FAO interventions in such contexts. Protracted crisis represent a signal of alert on the fact that approaches proposed so far where not enough to deal with such a complexity. This is why a renewed thinking is needed, based on the concrete observations of local dynamics, making an effort to understand the positions and interests of the many diverse parties involved and moving out from a sectorial vision, towards a more holistic one.
Land Evaluation in Europe
This bulletin gives an overview of the ninth session of the working party on Soil Classification and Survey of the European Commission on Agriculture that took place in Ghent, Belgium, in september 1973. It presents the papers, discussions and recommendations developed during the meeting. A methodology of land evaluation is being developed in FAO and will be used for the interpretation of the FAO/UNESCO Soil Map of the World with a view to making a global evaluation of the land resources available for agricultural development.
Soil survey investigations for irrigation
The pressing need for increased agricultural production in the years ahead can only be met by more efficient use of our land and water resources including more widespread and better irrigation in those regions where rainfall is inadequate. Production gains will be shortlived unless the attendant hazards of salinization, water logging and lowered fertility are kept in check by effective planning and management based on a thorough understanding of the soil conditions. Soil survey and land classification are generally accepted essential preliminaries to investment in irrigation development.
Primera Reunión de la Asamblea Plenaria de la Alianza Mundial sobre los Suelos
Meeting symbol/code: GSPPA-I/13/Report
Session: Sess.1
Los bosques y la alimentaria
Unasylva examina el significado de los bosques para la seguridad alimentaria, formulando la siguiente pregunta: Cmo hacer que los programas y actividades de desarrollo forestal sirvan para asegurar econmica y materialmente a todo el mundo, en todo momento, el acceso a su alimento? En el artculo de fondo M. Hoskins expone cmo contribuyen - y cmo podrn contribuir - los bosques a la seguridad alimentaria, y sugiere estrategias para incorporar a las actividades de desarrollo forestal elementos de seguridad alimentaria.
Non-thematic issue
An international journal of forestry and forest industries