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Agricultural Land Management for Sustainable Development in Rural Kenya

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2008

Land is one of the most important naturaE resources for the creation of wealth in many societies. Its ownership and control brings economic power, which in turn, is often the basis for social and polifical power Unlike other factors of production such as labour and capilal, land is in fixed supply. Of the total land area of Kenya of 56.9 million hectares, more than 90 percent is agricultural land. Over 80 percent of this land is categorized as Arid and Semiarid land where about 25 percent of the total population resides and over 50 percent of the total livestock is produced.

Evalution Of Women's Access To Urban Land And Credit And Community Development Activities In Urban Three Housing Project - Kenya Eldoret-Sirikwa Hotel - 26-6-1989

Reports & Research
November, 1989

In most Developing countries only a small number of new jobs
are available in agriculture. The capital scarcity limits the
number of nonfarm jobs that can be created, because investments
costs per job are high in modern industry. Thus an effective
development policy should seek to increase the labor relative to.,
capital, to the extent that it is economically efficient.
In the Sessional Paper No. 1 of 1986 on Economic Management
for Renewed Growth, the Kenya Government notes that
historically, there has been

Challenges of strategy implementation at the ministry of state for development of Northern Kenya and other arid lands

Reports & Research
December, 2011

Strategy implementation is the translation of chosen strategy into organizational action so as to achieve strategic goals and objectives. Strategy implementation is also defined as the manner in which an organization should develop, utilize, and amalgamate organizational structure, control systems, and culture to follow strategies that lead to competitive advantage and a better performance. The main objectives of this study were to investigate the challenges of strategy implementation in the ministry of Northern Kenya and other arid areas.

Analysis of Land-Use Change between 2012–2018 in Europe in Terms of Sustainable Development

Peer-reviewed publication
February, 2020

This article presents methodology of land use change assessment in the context of sustainable development and the results of its application based on the transformations that occurred in individual areas of Europe in the years 2012–2018. This method is based on data from the CORINE (CO-oRdination of INformation on Environment) Land Cover program) and local government units presenting the degree of urbanization (DEGURBA). The transformations taking place in space were evaluated and reduced to economic, social, and environmental dimensions.

ICARDA Annual Report 2003

Reports & Research
August, 2004

Strong partnerships with national agricultural research systems and other stakeholders constitute the backbone of ICARDA’s research agenda. The outreach programs of the Center play a key role in promoting partnerships in their respective sub-regions and in implementing collaborative research and training programs. To make an assessment of the efficiency and effectiveness of the partnerships, the Board of Trustees of ICARDA commissioned an external review of its outreach programs in 2003.

Annual Report 2018

Reports & Research
September, 2019
United Arab Emirates
Syrian Arab Republic
Northern Africa
Southern Asia
Central Asia
Western Asia

ICARDA continued to play a critical role in the development, improvement, and dissemination of climate-resilient crop varieties last year. The varieties strengthened food and nutritional security and provided a critical defense against extreme temperatures, water scarcity, and the emergence of new pests and diseases.

ICARDA Annual Report 2008

Reports & Research
July, 2009

The year of 2008 marked the beginning of a new phase at ICARDA: the full implementation of the Center's Strategic Plan 2007-2016, and a renewed commitment to addressing the global challenges of food security, poverty alleviation and climate change in the dry areas. It was also a year of adversity, both locally and globally. At ICARDA's main research station in Syria, the 2007/2008 cropping season experienced drought combined with wide variations in temperature, falling to -12°C in winter and rising to 37°C in the early spring.

ICARDA Annual Report 2005

Reports & Research
November, 2006

The year 2005 was an important milestone in the efforts of ICARDA and its partners in meeting the global challenges of agriculture in dry areas through the application of science. In an assessment of all 15 CGIAR Centers (based on science quality and relevance, impacts, partnerships, and financial and institutional health), conducted by the CGIAR in collaboration with the Science Council and the World Bank, ICARDA was rated outstanding" - one of only two centers to receive this rating.

ICARDA Annual Report 2016

Reports & Research
June, 2017

2016 was the hottest year on record – the third consecutive record-breaking year. It was a sign that we have to act fast to enhance the resilience of dryland farmers, who not only have to contend with more extreme temperatures but also face rapidly depleting water resources and the destructive effects of new pests and disease.

ICARDA Annual Report 2014

Reports & Research
January, 2015

2014 went on record as the hottest year ever measured, a telling sign that climate change is already here. The agriculture sector is predicted to take the heaviest toll, with the hardest hit being smallholder farmers in developing countries, particularly in dry areas. With rising temperatures and greater stress on water resources, agricultural productivity is set to experience a substantial decline. Yet against these odds, we need to produce progressively more to feed a rapidly growing world population.

ICARDA Annual Report 2004

Reports & Research
July, 2005

In 2004, ICARDA began strategic visioning, driven by the global focus on achieving the Millennium Development Goals and the realignment of the CGIAR System priorities by the Science Council. It involved, among other actions, a consolidation of the 19 research projects into six mega-projects for better integration of the Center’s multidisciplinary teams, and an increased use of new tools of science in addressing the problems of poverty and degradation of natural resources.