Forestry extension
This issue of Unasylva focuses on the challenges facing forestry extension and current attempts to respond to them.
This issue of Unasylva focuses on the challenges facing forestry extension and current attempts to respond to them.
Esta gua sobre Descentralizacin e impuesto predial rural se ha preparado con el fin de ayudar a los gestores catastrales que participan en el diseo y aplicacin del impuesto predial rural. Cada vez ms, se pide a las instituciones que se ocupan de la tenencia de la tierra que contribuyan a la descentralizacin de los servicios en beneficio de los gobiernos locales. Una de las expectativas de la descentralizacin es mejorar la prestacin de servicios por el nivel de gobierno que se encuentre ms prximo a los beneficiarios de los mismos.
Land Reform, Land Settlement and Cooperatives continues to play an important role in land tenure and rural development studies and more specifically as part of FAO’s programmes since its first publication in 1963. In the last decade, the issues of good governance, new institutional structures and methodological approaches offering a wider perspective have become important elements of the debate. The articles in this volume of Land Reform, Land Settlement and Cooperatives reflect this in a variety of ways.
Small-scale forest-based processing enterprises comprise an important, but neglected, part of the forestry and forest industries sector. They process a large part of the raw materials from the forest and supply some of the main markets for forest products, in particular in the rural areas of developing countries.
This volume is intended to support land administrators who are involved with the design and implementation of rural property tax systems. It is based on FAO’s Land Tenure Studies Number 5, which focused on rural property tax in Central and Eastern Europe. The response to that guide showed a need for information on rural property tax systems to be more easily available in other regions. In addition, this volume places a rural property tax more explicitly in the context of decentralization.
Etant donn le statut spcial de ce Congrs qui clt le XXe sicle, ce numro d'Unasylva diffre des numros prcdents lis aux Congrs forestiers mondiaux (qui traitaient de thmes annexes), en ce sens qu'il est entirement consacr aux articles du Congrs
This publication considers fisheries management policies in the Mediterranean in the light of the new objectives of sustainability and governance. Emphasis is put on the decentralization of public action and the reform of institutional mechanisms.The first chapter assesses the historical and societal bases of the dualism of small-scale fisheries and industrial fisheries. The dialectical relationship of power between these socio-economic categories is a result of arbitration by the public authorities that have entered into a spiral of interventionism.
Le prsent numro d'Unasylva examine les dfis que doit relever la vulgarisation forestire et les efforts dploys actuellement en ce sens.
The focus of this report is on NRM activities broadly defined as those that promote sustainable agricultural production through improvements in on-farm soil and water management, such as social forestry, micro-watershed management, irrigation water management, and soil conservation.