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Regional Law No. 742-KZ “On indigenous peoples of the Far East of the Russian Federation”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes plenary powers of the regional state bodies in the sphere of protection of traditional habitats, traditional way of life, economic activities and traditional community management of indigenous peoples and also sets forth the types of state support thereto. The scope of this Regional Law shall be to improve living standards of indigenous peoples. Regional Administration shall be authorized to impose use restrictions on economic activities in the areas of traditional living of small indigenous ethnic communities.

Aboriginal Lands Trust Act 2013.


This Act, consisting of 69 sections divided into ten Parts and completed by one Schedule, continues the Aboriginal Lands Trust; to enable the Trust to acquire, hold and deal with land for the continuing benefit of Aboriginal South Australians.

Regional Decree No. 391-p validating the Regulation on regional state nature reserve “Nizhnepechorsky”.

Eastern Europe

Regional state nature reserve “Nizhnepechorsky” shall be considered protected area constituted for the purpose of conservation of natural complexes, landscapes and components thereof. Constitution of the aforesaid regional state nature reserve does not envisage land expropriation. The territory of regional state nature reserve “Nizhnepechorsky” shall be taken into consideration in the process of elaboration of land-use planning schemes.

Decreto Nº 2.664 - Reglamenta la Ley Nº 160 de 1994, en lo relacionado con los procedimientos para la adjudicación de terrenos baldíos y su recuperación.

South America

El presente Decreto dispone que el Instituto Colombiano de la Reforma Agraria (INCORA) administre en nombre del Estado las tierras baldías de propiedad nacional, y en virtud de esa atribución pueda adjudicarlas, celebrar contratos, constituir reservas y adelantar colonizaciones sobre ellas, conforme a las normas de la Ley Nº 160 de 1994, las contenidas en otras disposiciones legales y reglamentarias vigentes, y los reglamentos que expida la Junta Directiva del INCORA.

Aboriginal Land Rights Regulation 1996.


The Regulation establishes the procedure for the constitution of the Local Aboriginal Land Councils, the Regional Aboriginal Land Councils and the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council. Part 5 deals with the financial management of the councils, investigators and administrators. The Regulation is completed by three Schedules: Model rules for Local Aboriginal Land Councils (1); Model rules for Regional Aboriginal Land Councils (2); Model rules for the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council (3).

Native Title (Indigenous Land Use Agreements) Regulations 1998 (S.R. No. 286 of 1998).


These Regulations make provision for the registration of native title agreements as foreseen by the Native Title Act. Three kinds of agreements can be registered: Body Corporate Agreements (reg. 4); Area Agreements (reg. 5); and Alternative Procedure Agreements (reg. 6). Requirements relative to docements by the party and information relative to the parties and the agreement are specified in those regulations.

Implements: Native Title Act 1993. (2017-06-22)
Repealed by: Native Title (Indigenous Land Use Agreements) Regulations 1999. (2006-03-22)

Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983.


The purposes of this Act, consisting of 12 Parts, are as follows: (a) to provide land rights for Aboriginal persons in New South Wales, (b) to provide for representative Aboriginal Land Councils in New South Wales, (c) to vest land in those Councils, (d) to provide for the acquisition of land, and the management of land and other assets and investments, by or for those Councils and the allocation of funds to and by those Councils, (e) to provide for the provision of community benefit schemes by or on behalf of those Councils.

Communal Land Rights Act, 2004 (No. 11 of 2004).

South Africa
Southern Africa

The Act consists of 47 sections divided into 10 Chapters: Definitions and applications of the Act (1); Juristic personality and legal system of tenure (2; Transfer and registration of communal land (3) Provision of comparable redress where tenure cannot be legally secured (4); The conduct of land rights enquiry (5); Content, making and registration of community rules (6); Land Administration Committee (7); Land Rights Board (8); Kwazulu-Natal Ingonyama Trust land (9); General provisions (10).Section 2 defines the land to which provisions of this Act apply.

Decreto Nº 1.465 - Reglamenta la Ley Nº 160 de 1994, en lo relacionado con los procedimientos para la clarificación de la propiedad, delimitación o deslinde de las tierras, extinción del derecho de dominio, recuperación de baldíos indebidamente ocupado...

South America

El presente Decreto establece procedimientos administrativos especiales agrarios de clarificación de la propiedad, delimitación o deslinde de las tierras de la Nación, extinción del derecho de dominio, recuperación de baldíos indebidamente ocupados o apropiados, reversión de baldíos adjudicados, de competencia del Instituto Colombiano de Desarrollo Rural (INCODER).

Aboriginal Lands Regulations 2008.


These Regulations implement provisions of the Aboriginal Lands Act 1995.The Regulations provide for the hearing of appeals in respect of Council’s decisions in relation to leases and licences, and for guidelines to determine whether to grant a further licence or lease in relation to Aboriginal land and the terms and conditions of any further lease or licence.

Implements: Aboriginal Lands Act 1995. (2010-07-01)
Repealed by: Aboriginal Lands Regulations 2018. (2018-05-21)

Decreto Legislativo Nº 1.015 - Modifica la Ley Nº 26.505, Ley de la inversión privada en el desarrollo de las actividades económicas en las tierras del territorio nacional y de las comunidades campesinas y nativas.

South America

El presente Decreto Legislativo unifica los procedimientos de las comunidades campesinas y nativas de la sierra y de la selva con las de la costa, para mejorar su producción y competitividad agropecuaria.

Enmienda: Ley Nº 26505 - Ley de la inversión privada en el desarrollo de las actividades económicas en las tierras del territorio nacional y de las comunidades campesinas y nativas. (1995-07-17)

Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 (Act No. 2 of 2007).

Southern Asia

The purpose of this Act is to recognize forest rights to tribal communities who have been occupying the land before the forest laws were put into force.Scheduled Tribes residing in forests shall be entitled to the land currently occupied which may be allocated in all forests including National Parks and Sanctuaries.The Act grants forest rights to Scheduled Tribes and other traditional forest dwellers including: right to live in the forest land for habitation or for self-cultivation for livelihood; right of ownership, access to collect, use, and dispose of minor forest produce; right to use