Community forestry in Nepal: a policy innovation for local livelihoods
millions fed, food security, Community forestry, Civil society, CFUG,
millions fed, food security, Community forestry, Civil society, CFUG,
Mangroves are valuable socio-ecological ecosystems that provide vital goods and services to millions of people, including wood, a renewable natural capital, which is the primary source of energy and construction material for several coastal communities in developing countries. Unfortunately, mangrove loss and degradation occur at alarming rates. Regardless of the protection and close monitoring of mangrove ecosystems in Mexico during the last two decades, mangrove degradation and the loss of biodiversity is still ongoing.
Through the implementation of a choice experiment valuation exercise, this study set out to identify the set of community plantation attributes that impact the welfare of potential community forestry program participants. We employed a combination of choice models to evaluate the preferences, welfare impacts and choice elasticities associated with alternative community forestry programs, allowing for different assumptions regarding heterogeneity.
Agroforestry as a model of community-based forest management generally does not develop and is mostly in the form of traditional management. In West Sumatra, sustainability relates to the status of land tenure as communal property (communal land). Communal interests that appear on the communal rights to land and trees are able to direct the management of agroforestry to be sustained. Lack of security of land tenure does not affect the appearance of agroforestry, but the level of management or management of land use is more important for the purpose.
Funds generated through community forestry offer crucial and significant resources for rural in Nepal. This study examines forestry funds in 100 communities in three districts to assess how large they are and how they are utilized. The study finds that the income from community funds increases local development resources by about 25%. This income is invested in schools, temples, roads, and water reservoirs, which bodes well for rural development.
Agroforestry as a people base forest management commonly not well developed and almost in a traditional management. The most problem in West Sumatera concern to land tenure status as communal property (ulayat land). The need of clearly land tenure mechanism will support this system for sustainable land use. The less security of land tenure do not affect to agroforestry performance, but the management of land use is more important to that effect
While research has revealed the role of common property in risk diversification, poverty alleviation and resource management, few studies identify how common property management systems fill that role uniquely where market mechanisms or private property rights fail. To address that gap, the present research develops a consistent framework for analyzing local level production where community organizations have vertically integrated into the wood products industry, using common property forest as a source of raw material.
community development, forestry, human capital, labor productivity, property rights, risk, vertical integration
It is widely believed that land tenure insecurity under a customary tenure system leads to a socially inefficient resource allocation. This article demonstrates that the practice of granting secure individual ownership to tree planters spurs earlier tree planting, which is inefficient from the private point of view but could be efficient from the viewpoint of the global environment. Regression analysis, based on primary data collected in Sumatra, indicates that an expected increase in tenure security in fact led to early tree planting.
Decentralized forest management is an important policy issue in India and elsewhere. Yet there are few careful studies of the impacts of community forestry. The authors try to fill this gap by analyzing National Sample Survey data from 524 villages in five states in India. Their analysis seeks to answer two key questions: (1) Who participates in community forestry and what are the determinants of participation? (2) What is the impact of participation on household fuelwood consumption?
In its present state, the analysis of the wood industry system in Tanimbar archipelago only covered the South part of the Yamdena island. In this part of the island, the wood industry system feeds the demand of the local villages and of Saumlaki. Among the villages of South Yamdena, two villages (Wermatan and Ilngei) are remarkable with their high level of wood activities. Thus these are analysed in the following sections. In the north part of the Island, the system feeds the local villages, the city of Larat, but also some outer markets.
Agroforestry as a people base forest management commonly not well developed and almost in a traditional management. The most problem in West Sumatera concern to land tenure status as communal property (ulayat land). The need of clearly land tenure mechanism will support this system for sustainable land use. The less security of land tenure do not affect to agroforestry performance, but the management of land use is more important to that effect