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Delivering Impacts for People and Forests in Asia: Annual report October 2013-September 2014

Institutional & promotional materials
September, 2015
South-Eastern Asia

Building on a very successful previous strategic phase, RECOFTC’s new Strategic Plan (2013-2018) has completed its first year with many exciting outcomes. RECOFTC's Annual Report 2013-2014 highlights progress in our four thematic areas: Securing Community Forestry; Enhancing Livelihoods and Markets; People, Forests and Climate Change; and Transforming Forest Conflicts.

ชุมชนบ้านงามเมือง: การจัดการลุ่มน้ำย่อยและการปรับตัวต่อการเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศ ต. ยางฮอม อ.ขุนตาล จ.เชียงราย

Reports & Research
January, 2019

โครงการเสริมสร้างความเข้มแข็งเครือข่ายท้องถิ่นและหน่วยงานท้องถิ่นเพื่อการจัดการลุ่มน้ำอิงอย่างยั่งยืน (Empowerment of Local Networks and Local Authorities (LAs) for Sustainable Ing Watershed Management หรือ โครงการอนุรักษ์แม่น้ำอิง) ภายใต้ความร่วมมือระหว่างศูนย์วนศาสตร์ชุมชนเพื่อคนกับป่า (RECOFTC) – ประเทศไทย กับสถาบันความหลากหลายทางชีวภาพและสิ่งแวดล้อมเพื่อการพัฒนาท้องถิ่นและอาเซียน มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฎเชียงราย โดยมีภาคีท้องถิ่นในการดำเนินงานคือ สภาประชาชนลุ่มน้ำอิง กลุ่มรักษ์เชียงของ สถาบันปวงพญาพยาว มหาวิทยาลัยพะเยา ซึ่งได้รับการสนับสนุนงบประมาณจากสหภาพยุโรป โดยมีพื้นที่ชุมชนเป้าหมายในการปฏ

People and Forests for a Greener Future

Institutional & promotional materials
October, 2013
South-Eastern Asia

Building on a very successful previous strategic phase, the new RECOFTC Strategic Plan (2013-2018) has an increased focus on clearer strategic outcomes in RECOFTC’s four thematic areas: Securing Community Forestry; Enhancing Livelihoods and Markets; People, Forests and Climate Change; and Transforming Forest Conflicts. Within these thematic areas, we explore emerging issues, including landscape approaches, food security, water security, and biomass energy security.

RECOFTC 1987-2007: The First 20 Years

Reports & Research
May, 2007
South-Eastern Asia

To celebrate RECOFTC's 20th anniversary, this collection of articles shares the stories of those who have worked to further RECOFTC's mission over the past twenty years.

  1. Tribute to the founder

  2. Birth of a movement: The later years

  3. Why communities manage forests

  4. Eyewitness to the first 10 years

  5. The second decade: In the field

  6. The RECOFTC checklist

  7. Alumni stories

  8. An overview of lessons learned

  9. Tributes from longstandi

Community Forestry in Asia and the Pacific: Pathway to Inclusive Development

Reports & Research
October, 2013
South-Eastern Asia

This report reflects analysis of the current situation of community forestry in the Asia–Pacific region. The study indicates that people will conserve biodiversity, reduce deforestation and manage forests sustainably when they derive regular benefits from them and when they are empowered to participate in decision-making processes regarding those forests.

Redefining Concepts of What Type of Forest Comprises Community Forests in Viet Nam

Policy Papers & Briefs
November, 2016

The approval of the 2004 Forest protection and Development Law was a milestone which marked the legal recognition of community forestry in Viet Nam. Yet, general understanding of community forests as only the area legally allocated to village communities has undervalued the role of community forestry. To address this issue, it is recommended that community forestry needs to be clearly defined in the forestry legal framework to include forest areas allocated to individual households, particularly natural forest areas where collective forms of forest management are being practiced.

Community Forestry and Forest Landscape Restoration: Attracting Sustainable Investments for Restoring Degraded Land in Southeast Asia

Reports & Research
May, 2018
South-Eastern Asia

This Issue Paper builds on the contributions of staff from government and non-government organizations from across the ASEAN region, as well as the private sector, who participated in the Regional Policy Dialogue held in Bangkok, Thailand on 8 - 9 March 2018. Entitled, "Connecting Finance and Policy: Forest Landscape Restoration in Southeast Asia," this event sought to establish dialogue and connections between vital stakeholders in Forest Landscape Restoration, particularly generating links between the private sector, government officials, and CSOs.

Ensuring social forestry delivers through participatory action research

Policy Papers & Briefs
February, 2020
South-Eastern Asia

This policy brief discusses the opportunities and challenges facing social forestry in Southeast Asia and recommends that ASEAN Member States, universities and international research organizations mainstream participatory action research (PAR) in social forestry to overcome these challenges and maximize these opportunities. 

How Can We Address Deforestation and Meet National Targets for Community Forestry in ASEAN?

Institutional & promotional materials
May, 2015
South-Eastern Asia

The ASFN and RECOFTC report 'The current status of social forestry in climate change adaptation and mitigation in the ASEAN Region' offers insights on national forestry data and information on forest cover and areas managed by local people in ASEAN countries. These infographics provide snapshots of key data presented in the report in national languages. They summarize the current status of community forestry in Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam and offer recommendations for effective development of policies and management.

ASEAN-Swiss Partnership on Social Forestry and Climate Change Phase II (2014-2016)

Institutional & promotional materials
December, 2014
South-Eastern Asia

Since 2009, the Government of Switzerland and RECOFTC have partnered with ASEAN through the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)’s support to the ASEAN Social Forestry Network (ASFN) and the ASEAN-Swiss Partnership on Social Forestry and Climate Change (ASFCC). This is a brochure describing the RECOFTC activities under the ASFCC Phase II (2014-2016).

CBNA Report-Indonesia

Reports & Research
June, 2010

In this report the results of an independent assessment of the needs for capacity building for the development of community forestry in Indonesia, are presented. Needs were assessed at the level of the institutional context of community forestry development, key organizations and individuals. The team of 2 national consultants carrying out the assessment used the steps and methods of CBNA procedures developed by RECOFTC.