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Issuescommunity forestryLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 433 - 444 of 978

Mengeksplorasi keanekaragaman hayati, lingkungan dan pandangan masyarakat lokal mengenai berbagai lanskap hutan: metode-metode penilaian lanskap secara multidisipliner

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2004

This document is intended for those interested in gathering natural resource information that reflects the needs of local communities. It describes a multidisciplinary survey developed with indigenous communities in the fores-rich landscapes of the Malinau watershed in East Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo). The final methods reflect a mixture of judgements, compromises and reactions to trials over many months. It is intended that it is useful to readers from diverse backgrounds given the multidisciplinary nature of the procedures described. This is not intended as a manual.

Meretas kebuntuan: konsep dan panduan pengembangan zona khusus bagi Taman Nasional di Indonesia

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2010

Penerbitan buku ini dimaksudkan sebagai bahan refleksi tentang kondisi zonasi Taman Nasional (TN) pada saat ini. Penerbitan buku ini diharapkan juga dapat memberi sumbangan pada wacana yang masih terus bergulir tentang zonasi TN, terutama zona khusus, sehingga membantu mencapai mimpi keseimbangan antara pelestarian alam dan peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat.

Negotiating more than boundaries: conflict, power, and agreement building in the demarcation of village borders in Malinau

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2002

CIFOR facilitated 27 communities in the Upper Malinau watershed to develop agreements about their village boundaries and map them through participatory methods. Decentralization reforms created new values of forest resources and uncertainties that increased conflict over local resources. We report on the nature of these conflicts, the stability of agreements and the factors affecting how agreements were reached.

NWFPs in Bulungan, East Kalimantan, Indonesia

Journal Articles & Books
December, 1997

This subchapter examines the NWFP trends in the area designated as the Bulungan Research Forest, which has been allocated by the Indonesian government to CIFOR for research purposes. The research forest covers 303 000 hectares in Bulungan district, East Kalimantan, between the Malinau and Bahau rivers, adjacent to the Kayan-Mentarang National Park. The NWFPs discussed include animals and birds, camphor, gaharu, gutta percha, illipe nuts, damar and rattan. The article also raises questions about how these trends and scenarios will unfold in the future in areas such as Bulungan.

Panduan untuk menerapkan analisa multikriteria dalam menilai kriteria dan indikator

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2000

Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) is a decision-making tool developed for complex problems. In a situation where multiple criteria are involved confusion can arise if a logical, well-structured decision-making process is not followed. Another difficulty in decision-making is that reaching a general consensus in a multidisciplinary team can be very difficult to achieve. By using MCA members do not have to agree on the relative importance of the criteria or the rankings of the alternatives.

Our forest, our decision: a survey of principles for local decision-making in Malinau

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2006

Many people want to improve the governance of forest areas, yet what is considered good governance is not necessarily self-evident or agreed upon by everyone. This study demonstrates the diversity of views held by communities and government officials in Malinau, Indonesian Borneo about what they consider to be good governance. Each group described how they thought decisions about forests should be made, including how to represent interests, allocate land rights, distribute cash benefits from forests, share information and manage forests.