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IssuescadastresLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 1729 - 1740 of 2807

Implementing Rules of Rural Community Land Readjustment Act.

Eastern Asia

The purpose of these Rules is to implement the Rural Community Land Readjustment Act. The Text consists of 39 Articles divided into 6 Chapters: General provisions (I); Selection and Determination of Readjustment Areas (II); Readjustment Encumbrance and Construction Work (III); Land Redistribution and Dispute Settlement(IV); Right Liquidation and Arrangement of Cadastration(V); Supplementary Provisions (VI).Article 3 sets up principles for the evaluation, selection, and determination of readjustment areas.

Ordinance on the winding up of cadastre offices and of the Regional Survey and Mapping Office as well as on the establishment of the Regional Office for Mapping, Survey and Geo-Information and the Thuringia Ordinance on the re-organization of cadastre ...

Western Europe

Article 1 of the above-mentioned Ordinance lists the Regional mapping and survey offices to be wounded up, as well as the Regional Office for Survey, Mapping and Geo-Information. Article 2 decrees the establishment of the Regional Office for Mapping and Survey and Geo-Information with its Headquarters in Erfurt. The text consists 3 articles.

Acuerdo Nº 67 - Ficha catastral para los proyectos en ejecución del Programa Nacional de Administración de Tierras (PRONAT).

Central America

El presente Acuerdo aprueba la modificación de la ficha catastral para la ejecución de los nuevos proyectos, para los proyectos licitados y no ejecutados, y para los proyectos en ejecución del Programa Nacional de Administración de Tierras.

Implementa: Decreto Nº 124 - Programa Nacional de Administración de Tierras (PRONAT). (2001-09-12)

Décret nº 2008-247 complétant le décret nº 99-2788 portant organisation de la conservation de la propriété foncière.

Northern Africa

Ce décret modifie le décret portant organisation de la conservation de la propriété foncière, notamment les disposition relatives à l'organisation et aux attributions de la direction régionale de la conservation de la propriété foncière.

Modifie: Décret nº 99-2788 portant organisation de la conservation de la propriété foncière. (1999-12-13)

Central North Island Forests Land Collective Settlement Act, 2008.

New Zealand

The purpose of this Act, divided in 3 Parts and 4 Schedules, is to: (a) give effect to the vesting of the Crown forest land described in the first and second columns of Schedule 1 in the company and the transfer of accumulated rentals in relation to that land to the company in order to enable those assets to be allocated to the CNI Iwi Collective in settlement of their historical CNI forests land claims and to any other CNI claimants in settlement of their historical claims; and (b) record the principles and process by which the allocation of the CNI forests land and accumulated rentals is

Land Law (Law No. 01/97 NA).

South-Eastern Asia

An Act to make provision for ownership of land and related matters such as land registration, and the management and use of various types of land, including forestry and agricultural land.The text consists of 86 articles divided into 8 Chapters: General provisions (I); Land management and land registration (II); Rights and obligations of the land user (III); Control of land use (IV); Settlement of land problems, policy towards the persons having good performance and measures against violators (V); Final provisions (VI).Land is in ownership of the "national community" (art. 3).

Decree No. 66 validating the Regulation on State geodetic inspection and state control over land tenure and keeping land cadastre.

Central Asia

This Decree establishes that State geodetic inspection shall be authorized state institution performing supervision over compliance with technical requirements and standards related to geodetic and cartographic activity and mapping of the state boundaries. State supervision over land tenure and land protection shall be performed with a view of enforcement of land legislation and compliance of natural and legal persons with legislative provisions of land legislation.

Lands and Deeds Registry Act (Cap. 185).

Eastern Africa

This Act makes provision for the registration of documents relating to land, the certification of title, the legal proceedings and effects of the transfer of land, and other matters relating to registration of titles in land.The Act consists of 92 sections divided into 7 Parts: Preliminary (I); Registration of documents (II); Provisional certificates and certificates of title (III); Transfer and transmission of registered land (IV); Trusts (V); Caveats (VI); Miscellaneous (VII).A Registry of Deeds is established under section 3 for purposes of the Act.

Law No. 163-XVI amending Law No. 1543- XIII on register of immovable property.

Eastern Europe

Article 33/1 shall be added: “Article 33/1 Grounds for suspension of registration of rights. (1) In deviation from the provisions of Article 33 in case of submittal of application for registration of rights to immovable property subject to encumbrances and freeze registration of rights shall be suspended until cancellation of data related to previous encumbrances and freeze. (2) Decision on suspension of registration of rights shall be communicated immediately to the applicant in the written form and can be appealed against.”

Ley Nº 683-2009 : Creación del régimen de regulación y registro de transferencias de tierras a extranjeros y registro de productores agropecuarios y propietarios de inmuebles rurales.

South America

Mediante esta Ley se establece un régimen de regulación y registro de transferencias de tierras a extranjeros, como así también un Registro de Productores Agropecuarios y Propietarios de Inmuebles Rurales. La Ley atribuye prioridad de opción de compra o adquisición al Estado Provincial, a los efectos de proteger el medio ambiente por medio de la utilización racional de los recursos naturales, y preservar el patrimonio natural y cultural y la diversidad biológica.

Reglamento de la Ley de catastro del Estado de Quintana Roo.

Central America

El presente Reglamento tiene por objeto regular en lo específico las disposiciones de la Ley de Catastro del Estado de Quintana Roo, fijar las normas de funcionamiento de la actividad catastral en el Estado, establecer los mecanismos de coordinación necesarios con los ayuntamientos cuando así lo soliciten o en los términos de los convenios que al efecto se celebren para proporcionar a éstos, así como establecer los flujos de información necesaria para la consolidación y conservación del Sistema de Información Catastral del Estado.