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IssuescadastresLandLibrary Resource
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Décret n° 2004-356 du 18 mars 2004 approuvant et rendant exécutoire le plan d’urbanisme de détails de « Nguenth-Nord-Est » de Thiès et créant la zone d’aménagement concerté de « Nguenth-Nord-Est».

Western Africa

Le présent décret approuve et rend exécutoire le plan d’urbanisme de détails de Nguenth-Nord-Est comprenant le plan d’aménagement (échelle 1/2000e et 1/5000e); le plan de voirie; le règlement d’urbanisme; le rapport de présentation.Ce plan crée dans le périmètre du plan d’urbanisme une zone d’aménagement concerté ayant pour objet l’aménagement et l’équipement des terrains en vue de la construction de bâtiments à usage d’habitation, de commerce, d’artisanat et d’industrie.Outre le paiement des redevances domaniales, l’attribution des terrains du Domaine privé de l’Etat est subordonnée au ver

Law on state survey and cadastre.

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Southern Europe

This Law regulates the official survey of real estate, real estate cadastre and communal facilities, and records necessary for the correct data collection and additional cadastre registration requirements.This Law further defines all administrative and technical rules governing the agricultural land cadastre on the territory of the Republic of Srpska (Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina).The Law is divided into XIII Chapters and 121 articles, including all offences and related penalties.

Law on land book.

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Southern Europe

This Law prescribes all necessary measures and rules for the mandatory keeping, maintenance and establishment of the official land registry (Land Book), as well as the registration of real estate and natural property units in the land register of the Republic of Srpska.This Law further defines the land commission and its responsibilities, parcelling and specific administrative requirements, and various other legal and administrative forms.The Law is divided into 14 Chapters and 95 articles, including all transitional provisions.

Law amending the Law on land book.

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Southern Europe

This Law amends certain provisions part of the Law on land book (Official Gazette 67/2003).Changes are related to the procedure for submission of official cadastre report; and other transitional provisions regarding the concrete application of regulations part of the book of deposited contracts.

Amends: Law on land book. (2002-10-21)

Law amending the Law on land book.

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Southern Europe

This Law amends various provisions provided by the Law on land book (Official Gazette 67/2003 and 46/2003).Changes are related to the compensations and other administrative issues regarding the obtained concessions and mining/exploitation authorizations.

Amends: Law on land book. (2002-10-21)

Carinthian Municipality Planning Law.

Western Europe

The present Law lays down provisions relating to land use planning in Carinthia. The Municipal Council is required to adopt a Land Use Zoning Plan which divides the entire municipality into building land, grass land and traffic area taking into consideration the local development plan and the economic, social, ecological and cultural requirements of the whole area. The text consists of 34 articles divided into 4 Parts.

Land (Amendment) Act, 2010 (No. 1 of 2010).

Eastern Africa

This Act amends the Land Act by inserting a new section (32A). It also amends sections 31, 35, 59, and 92. Section 32A provides that a lawful or bona fide occupant shall not be evicted from registered land except upon an order of eviction issued by a court and only for non-payment of the annual nominal ground rent. Section 92 is consequentially amended. Section 59 concerns functions of district land boards and declares transactions or allocation of land carried out by a board to be null and void if in contravention with specified provisions.

Amends: Land Act (Cap. 227). (2000-12)

Decreto Nº 198 - Ley de Catastro del Estado de Zacatecas.

Central America

La presente Ley establece las normas que rigen el funcionamiento del catastro, y los procedimientos para la identificación, registro y valuación de los bienes inmuebles ubicados en el territorio del Estado, para fines fiscales, estadísticos, socioeconómicos, jurídicos e históricos; y para la formulación y práctica de planes estatales y municipales de desarrollo. La Ley contempla tanto las zonas rústicas como las zonas urbanas.

Resolución Nº 19 - Crea el Sistema Nacional de Registro de la Propiedad.

South America

La presente Resolución crea el Sistema Nacional de Registro de la Propiedad, como un conjunto de componentes ordenados y armónicos que contribuyen a la protección de los derechos constituidos: los que se constituyan, los que se modifiquen, se extingan y se publiciten por efectos de la inscripción de los hechos, actos y/o contratos determinados en la legislación vigente, con el objeto de coordinar el intercambio de información de los registros de datos públicos a través de la sistematización, estandarización y homologación de los procesos registrales, y la interconexión de dicha data.