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Displaying 409 - 420 of 1406

Food security, agricultural policy and the role of small-scale farms

Journal Articles & Books
November, 2013

Increasing prices for agricultural commodities offer a historic opportunity to intensify production systems for small-scale farmers in many developing countries. But without agricultural policies supporting them in making use of this opportunity, many of them would lose their access to land and income, resulting in aggravated food insecurity.

New instruments for better land governance

Journal Articles & Books
July, 2013

The livelihoods of many rural dwellers are dependent on having secure and equitable access to land. Tenure security is also a prerequisite for sustainable land management. The massive interest of commercial investors has increased the pressure on land globally. This article describes the international community’s efforts to improve the responsible governance and management of land.

Bio-reclamation – Converting degraded lateritic soils into productive land

Journal Articles & Books
July, 2013

Not only has soil degradation in Niger been halted thanks to an integrated approach combining water harvesting technologies, the application of organic residues and planting of fruit trees and vegetables. The strategy has also enabled increases in farmers’ income as well as an active involvement of the country’s largely marginalised women in food production through their gaining access to land.

The Dynamics Of Land Deals in Africa

January, 2017

Looking at several large-scale land deals in Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia, this extraordinary documentary highlights the nuanced impacts of these investments. Small-scale farmers and producers, national government officials, and African policy-makers unpack the deals, showing that there are winners and losers when providing investors access to large tracts of land in Africa. For example, land deals impact differently on women and youth, and altering land regimes also impacts on access to other natural resources such as water, fish, and local indigenous vegetables.

The Political Economy of Land Governance in Viet Nam

Reports & Research
March, 2016

This country level analysis addresses land governance in Viet Nam in two ways. First, it summarises what the existing body of knowledge tells us about power and configurations that shape access to and exclusion from land, particularly among smallholders, the rural poor, ethnic minorities and women. Second, it draws upon existing literature and expert assessment to provide a preliminary analysis of the openings for and obstacles to land governance reform afforded by the political economic structures and dynamics in the country.

Voices of the Poor: Access to Urban Land

Reports & Research
December, 2009
South Africa

In 2007 Urban LandMark undertook a series of consultations as part of the Voices of the Poor project. Four workshops were held in the centres listed above. The workshops were attended mostly by civil society organisations as well as NGOs. In all, 105 participants from more than 30 different civil society organisations participated. This case study presents the perspectives and experiences of civil society organisations with regard to access to urban land by the poor as derived from the consultations. These perspectives are fairly representative of urban community organisations as a whole.

Trading Places: Accessing Land in African Cities

Journal Articles & Books
November, 2013

Trading Places is about urban land markets in African cities. It explores how local practice, land governance and markets interact to shape the ways that people at society's margins access land to build their livelihoods.

The authors argue that the problem is not with markets per se, but in the unequal ways in which market access is structured. They make the case for more equal access to urban land markets, not only for ethical reasons, but because it makes economic sense for growing cities and towns.

La gestion intégrée de l'eau par bassin versant

Journal Articles & Books
May, 2010

Les ressources en eau et en terres s'amenuisent de plus en plus et répondent difficilement aux exigences alimentaires d'une population mondiale croissante. Dans les pays en développement des régions tropicales en particulier, la variabilité des conditions météorologiques associée à la productivité généralement basse de l'agriculture de subsistance représente une menace pour les sociétés rurales vulnérables ; l'accès à des équipements d'infrastructure et aux ressources naturelles devient de jour en jour plus difficile.

Somos tierra, semilla, rebeldía: mujeres, tierra y territorios en América Latina

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2016

El libro Somos tierra, semilla, rebeldía: mujeres, tierra y territorio en América Latina, realiza un recuento de las luchas de las mujeres en América Latina desde sus comunidades y organizaciones, partiendo del cuestionamiento al capitalismo patriarcal, que agrega a la expropiación de las tierras que sufren el campesinado pobre y los pueblos originarios la división sexual del trabajo por la cual se invisibiliza el trabajo de las mujeres, tanto el trabajo en la casa como en las pequeñas unidades agrícolas.

Land Acquisition, Compensation And Resettlement In Developing Economies: Nigeria As A Case Study

Reports & Research
March, 2010

The paper presents and discusses the fact that when land is acquired, compensation paid and resettlement done, the communities still go ahead and put constraints before the Government for the purposes of hindering the development. Citing of projects for economic development is a major problem for developing economies because of the agitation of the land “owners”despite an existing good land tenure system.

The paper stressed the fact that one general law may not be sufficient for Government to process land for development purposes because of the communities’ agitation

Land governance and its influence on access to urban land

Training Resources & Tools
December, 2009
South Africa

This case study is based on research undertaken into the experiences of a poor community in accessing land through formal channels in peri-urban South Africa. The research was conducted by a team of researchers pulled together by the World Bank. The work was the result of a request by Mogale City Municipality for technical assistance on the design and implementation of integrated housing and agriculture projects.  The document presents the story of Ethembalethu.