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Ten principles for a landscape approach to reconciling agriculture, conservation, and other competing land uses

Policy Papers & Briefs
April, 2013

“Landscape approaches” seek to provide tools and concepts for allocating and managing land to achieve social, economic, and environmental objectives in areas where agriculture, mining, and other productive land uses compete with environmental and biodiversity goals. Here we synthesize the current consensus on landscape approaches. This is based on published literature and a consensus-building process to define good practice and is validated by a survey of practitioners.

Customary Tenure Arrangements within Khmer Communities in Cambodia

Reports & Research
July, 2019
South-Eastern Asia

A common misconception about CT systems in Cambodia is that it is confined to indigenous communities in the peripheral uplands of Cambodia and does not exist in their Khmer counterparts. In response, this research compares related studies on customary tenure in Khmer communities, and describes the evolution of customary tenure within them, the different categories of potential resources governed under customary tenure, and the governance regimes of those resources. It then proposes three practical cases/communities for further field-based documentation.

Emergency mapping for infornmal settlements as the geoinformation base for planning basic services

Conference Papers & Reports
June, 1999

The informal settlements, townships, temporary camps and other human posts need at least basic services such as potable water, electricity and sanitation. Other services such as food supply, medical aid and shelters are usually arranged in case of disasters and large human migrations. A proper and efficient services need should be well estimated and simply implemented. All requirements can be achieved as results of evaluation with use of the geo information decision support system GDSS, suggesting services sorts and quantities.

Une évaluation des politiques de migration urbaine dans certains pays africains

Conference Papers & Reports
January, 1992

L'urbanisation croissante, qui est due en parti a l'exode rural, est l'un des facteurs a l'origine de la répartition inégale de la population dans les pays africains. Ce phénomène a deux caractéristiques a savoir le pourcentage faible quoique croissant de la population urbaine et le taux d'accroissement élève des populations urbaines (ainsi que de la population totale).

Accord relatif au siège de la Banque africaine de développement aperçu de ses principes directeurs et avant-projet annoté

Conference Papers & Reports
February, 1964

Le présent document, en conséquence, esquisse le rôle qu'un accord relatif au siège doit jouer dans le cadre général des immunités, exemptions et privilèges de la Banque africaine de développement, formule les principes qui devraient régir la négociation et énuméré les éléments fondamentaux de l'accord; renferme en annexe l'avant-projet annote d'un accord relatif au siège de la BAD.

Developing a national framework for geo-spatial information in Ghana

Conference Papers & Reports
June, 1999

In Ghana, over the years considerable amount of valuable environmental information (geospatial information included) have been collected in various forms and in different depths by government ministries, departments and agencies. A distributing feature of the availability of this information is the lack of general awareness of the existence of this valuable resource in repository agencies. Where they are known to exist, they are poorly stored or scattered in various places and mostly out of date.

Banque Africaine de Développement

Conference Papers & Reports
February, 1964

Déterminée à hâter le développement économique et social de l'Afrique par une action concertée des Etats africains,

Considérant la nécessite d'accélérer l'établissement d’institutions qui, par leur nature et leurs fonctions, peuvent servir à la promotion d’une coopération harmonieuse dans le domaine du financement du développement de la région.

Integrating Human Settlements Policies and Programmes into National Socio-Economic Development Planning : framework and methodologies

Reports & Research
December, 1986

Earlier (1950s - early 1970s) development planning in African countries was essentially perceived and conceived as macro-economic planning. This perception placed overriding emphasis on the projection and maximization of national economic aggregates such as the GDP, the GNP per capita income, level of employment, stability of price levels etc. as sole measures of economic development performance.

Intégration des politiques et programmes relatifs aux établissements humains à la planification du développement socio-économique national cadre et méthodes

Conference Papers & Reports
January, 1987

La planification du développement dans les pays africains était au départ(années 50 - début des années 70) perdue et conçue essentiellement comme une planification macro-économique. Cette perception mettait essentiellement l'accent sur la projection et la maximisation des agrégats économiques nationaux tels que le PIB, le PNB, le revenu par habitant, le niveau de l'emploi, la stabilité des

niveaux de prix comme seuls moyens de mesurer le développement économique.

Obligations Under International Treaties and Conventions

Reports & Research
December, 2018

This guidance aims to provide companies with an overview of the links between land and human rights enshrined in these agreements and in official statements issued by treaty monitoring bodies. While it focuses on Ghana with a non-exhaustive examination its human rights obligations with an overview of the most significant agreements pertaining to land-based investments, it will be useful for companies working in other countries because the agreements presented have been ratified and signed by a large number of countries.

Socially responsible land investment in Ghana: A guidebook for business enterprises considering agricultural investment in Ghana

Reports & Research
February, 2019

The Business Enterprise Guidebook aims to help companies and investots understand how to facilitate a responsible investment in Ghana. This Guidebook includes information on international standards and best practices, Ghana’s governance and community landscape, and how to manage an agricultural investment responsibly.