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Act on Contaminated Soil (No. 895 of 2015).

Northern Europe

The purpose of this Act is to prevent, reduce and eliminate land pollution and avoid adverse effects from soil contamination through technical inspection projects. Chapter 4b relates to the clearing of soil and groundwater significant pollution caused by certain activities which will assess their environmental state and submit to the Environment and Food Ministry. A report on necessary steps and measures to be taken for the elimination of such pollution shall be issued by the environmental authorities.

Regional Law No. 76-RZ “On entrustment of some issues of local significance to rural settlements”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law transfers to the competence of local government in rural areas the following issues: (a) water supply, sewerage and heating; (b) participation in the prevention of outbreak of natural and technological disasters, and mitigation of the consequences thereof; (c) conservation and promotion of the objects of cultural heritage; (d) management of domestic waste; and (e) management of protected areas of local significance.

Resolución Nº 191/16/VIVIENDA - Plan Estratégico Institucional (PEI) 2016 - 2018 del Ministerio de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento (MVCS).

South America

El presente Decreto Supremo aprueba el Plan Estratégico Institucional (PEI) 2016 - 2018 del Ministerio de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento (MVCS), que constituye un instrumento que orienta la gestiona institucional y que contribuye al logro de los objetivos y metas institucionales, sectoriales y nacionales. El PEI constituye el instrumento que articula el nivel estratégico sectorial de mediano plazo con el plan operativo de corto plazo y el presupuesto anual.

Decreto Nº 3.411 - Reglamenta parcialmente la Ley Nº 57, que crea la Financiera de Desarrollo Territorial S. A. (FINDETER).

South America

El presente Decreto reglamenta parcialmente la Ley que autoriza la constitución de una sociedad por acciones denominada Financiera de Desarrollo Territorial S. A. (FINDETER), respecto a la financiación y asesoria en lo referente al diseño, ejecución y administración de proyectos o programas de inversión financiados por FINDETER, y que se enmarquen estrictamente en la estructuración financiera del crédito acorde con su objeto social.

Environment (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2011 (No. 20 of 2011).

Northern Europe

This Act amends environment protection legislation in relation to a variety of matters including; civil proceedings in relation with environmental damage; fines and fixed payment notices for air pollution offences; modification of waste generation levy; development, including development for which an environmental impact assessment or an appropriate assessment is required, exempted from development authorization requirements; investigations in unauthorized development by a planning authority; observations at an appeal made by a Member State or another state which is a party to the Transboun

Ley Nº 7.371 - Ley Provincial de Medio Ambiente.

South America

La presente Ley establece los criterios y normas básicas destinados a conservar y mejorar el patrimonio ambiental, proteger la dinámica ecológica, la salud humana, propiciar el uso sustentable de los recursos naturales, recuperar o regenerar los ambientes desertificados o contaminados, asegurando a las generaciones presentes y futuras la conservación de la calidad ambiental y la diversidad biológica.

Law No. 4 of 1994 on Environment.

Western Asia
Northern Africa

This Law consisting of 65 articles divided in IV Parts and 10 Annexes aims at protecting the environment (land, air and water) from pollution. To achieve the objective the Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA) is established for the protection and promotion of the environment.

Environment Protection Act (No. 358 of 1991).

Northern Europe

The purpose of the Act is to help to protect nature and environment in order for society to develop on a sustainable and to preserve animal and plant life. It applies to all activities in relation to pollution, such as deployment of solid, liquid or gaseous substances; air, water, noise, soil and subsoil pollution; husbandry, pests and other factors causing hygienic problems to the environment.

Acuerdo Nº 97/A - Norma de calidad ambiental del recurso suelo y criterios de remediación para suelos contaminados (Anexo 2, Libro VI de la Calidad Ambiental, del Texto Unificado de la Legislación Secundaria del Ministerio del Ambiente).

South America

El presente Acuerdo expide el Anexo 2 del Texto Unificado de Legislación Secundaria del Ministerio del Ambiente referente a la Norma de calidad ambiental del recurso suelo y criterios de remediación para suelos contaminados. La norma tiene como objetivo principal preservar la salud de las personas y velar por la calidad ambiental del recurso suelo a fin de salvaguardar las funciones naturales en los ecosistemas, frente a actividades antrópicas con potencial para modificar su calidad, resultantes de los diversos usos del recurso.

Decree No. 250 of the Cabinet of Ministers validating the Regulation on keeping some registers.

Central Asia

This Decree establishes the modalities of keeping State forest register, State land-use planning register, State register of waste disposal sites and State cartographic and mapping register. State forest register shall be the system of constantly updated reliable information on forests, legal status thereof, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of forests and economic assessment thereof. State land-use planning register shall be the system of constantly updated reliable information on territory, development and engineering, transport and social infrastructure.