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Issues territory related Blog post
There are 692 content items of different types and languages related to territory on the Land Portal.
Displaying 1 - 12 of 12


30 January 2024

Desde una comunidad en el corazón de la crisis climática, la lideresa guaraní Mariela Melgar Ibáñez cree que las mujeres indígenas tienen la clave para resolver la crisis climática. “El mundo debe conocer nuestras formas de vida y el rol que tenemos dentro de el cuidado del medio ambiente; Las mujeres somos fundamentales, luchamos por el territorio.”

Leveling the playing field for inclusive territorial development: Going beyond technical solutions

07 February 2022
Mr. Francisco Carranza
Dr. Paolo Groppo
Fenella Henderson-Howat
Marco De Gaetano
 The focus of our interest on “territories” has always been on the continuous interaction between humans and nature. Different and sometimes conflicting values, visions and interests related to the use and management of natural resources coexist in a given territory and have to be oriented (if possible) towards a common ground. Negotiation is the means to conduct this dialogue towards an agreement.

Land Inequality Is a Crisis. Achieving Women’s Land Rights Is How We Respond.

02 July 2021
Michael Taylor
Gabriela Bucher

Land. It is a commodity like no other. We live on it. We grow from it. We drink from it and build our futures upon it. But — increasingly and frighteningly so — we don’t share it equally.

The distribution of land has long defined the gap between rich and poor. Now new data shows clearer than ever how the way in which land is being shared and managed profoundly impacts extreme and rising inequality, and the achievement of women’s and girl’s rights.

The burden of history: Land and a divided community in San José Sinaché, Guatemala

30 May 2019
Jur Schuurman

We meet Rosalía in a roadside café in a dusty town in the Quiché department, in Guatemala’s Western Highlands. She lowers her voice whenever people come in – you never know who might be listening. Land is sensitive stuff, especially in Quiché, a region that still bears, perhaps more than any other part of Guatemala, the scars of the civil war (1960-1996) – as we will see. In 2018 alone, 15 defenders of land rights in Guatemala have been killed with total impunity, several of them in Quiché.

Los campesinos que más nos alimentan, los que menos apoyo reciben

13 March 2018

Por Juliana Martínez Nacarato Investigadora del Programa de Justicia Fiscal en Fundar


La política agrícola sigue sin garantizar los derechos de campesinas y campesinos. Sin acceso a tierra, muchos se ven obligados a migrar y a trabajar como jornaleras y jornaleros bajo condiciones laborales precarias y de semiesclavitud, problema ya denunciado en México pero que no ha sido atendido.