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Issuespastoral landsLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 253 - 264 of 565

Participatory rangeland management planning and its implementation in Ethiopia

Conference Papers & Reports
March, 2015
Eastern Africa

The pastoral and agro-pastoral areas of Ethiopia cover around 65% of the country’s surface area. Rangeland resources are managed under collective common property arrangements, which are increasingly coming under pressure from both internal and external forces of change including alternative, but not necessarily ‘appropriate’, land uses.

Participatory analysis of vulnerability to drought in three agro-pastoral communities in the West African Sahel

Journal Articles & Books
July, 2015
Burkina Faso
South Sudan
Central African Republic
Western Africa

Drought is one of the major climatic hazards impacting on the various sectors including crop and livestock in the West African Sahel. Pastoral and agro-pastoral communities in the region are regularly affected by drought, with vulnerability differing with gender, age, wealth status (access to cropland and livestock endowment), geographic location, social networks, and previous exposure to drought. Effective interventions require regular monitoring of vulnerability to drought, for which various quantitative and qualitative approaches exist.

Pastoralism: Animal health and food safety situation analysis, Kenya and Tanzania

September, 2014
Eastern Africa
Southern Africa

Pastoralism is a farming system in societies that derive majority of their food and

income from livestock production. This form of farming system is practised in the

world’s arid and semi arid lands (ASALs). It is estimated that 70% of the landmass

in the Horn of Africa is dry land; in Kenya 80% of the landmass is classified as ASAL

while approximately half of Tanzania consists of dry land. These dry lands can only

be effectively utilised when used for livestock rearing, supporting wildlife resource

harvesting and tourism.

Pastoral women’s land rights and village land use planning in Tanzania: Experiences from the sustainable rangeland management project

Conference Papers & Reports
February, 2017
Eastern Africa
Southern Africa

In pastoral societies women face many challenges. Some describe these as a ‘double burden’ – that is, as pastoralists and as women. However, pastoral women may obtain a significant degree of protection from customary law even if customary institutions are male-dominated. In periods of change (economic, social, political), this protection may be lost, and without protection from statutory laws, women are in danger of “falling between two stools” (Adoko and Levine 2009).

Pastoralists preferences for cattle traits: Letting them be heard

Conference Papers & Reports
December, 2006
Eastern Africa

This paper investigates preferences for cattle traits among a pastoral community in a trypanosomosis prevalent area in Kenya. Choice experiments and mixed logit models are employed to estimate economic values of preferred traits which could be introduced through systematic breeding in breed improvement programs that utilise trypanotolerance trait. The findings suggest preference for traits linked to drought tolerance, high live weight, trypanotolerance and fecundity.

Pastoral issues must be part of ILRI’s research agenda into the future

March, 2011

Ian Scoones, Science Adviser to ILRI reflects on the recent conference on the future of pastoralism and the work of ILRI in this area. He argues that pastoralism ‘must be part of ILRI’s research agenda into the future.” He identifies two promising areas: First, to engage in technical research on production issues in pastoral areas and pastoral systems - to sustain the enormous economic potential of such areas. Second, to support the broader area of innovation.

Pastoralism 'alive and well' in Africa

March, 2011

Ian Scoones from the Institute of Development Studies and the Future Agricultures Consortium reflects on some key issues emerging from a recent conference on the future of pastoralism in Africa. His overwhelming conclusion: Pastoralism is "alive and well" in some parts of the continent. But there are downsides: constraints caused by pressures on land, as well as recurring conflicts. This leads to a division between those who are "really making it" and those who are "really struggling." This poses major policy issues at the two ends of these extremes.